Fees & Living Costs

Fees & Scholarships. Student using a laptop. Online banking.

Find out more about our tuition fees and living costs below.

Fee information for international students

Tuition Fees for International Students 2025/2026


Arts and Social Sciences


Master of Business Administration


Bachelors Programmes
(BA, BSc)




Study Abroad

(full year)

(single semester)

(full year)

(single semester)

Masters Programmes
(MA, MSc, MRes)




Research Programmes

(PhD, MPhil, LLM by Research)




Professional Doctorate (Dprof)



Distance Learning (Information Studies, IBERS and Law)

Find out more




Please note:

  • For international undergraduate students, fee levels are frozen at the level of entry for subsequent study years. This means you know exactly what your fee levels will be for the duration of your studies with Aberystwyth University.
  • For international postgraduate research students, tuition fees are subject to an annual increase and are linked to UK Research Council fees. 


Flexible Payment Methods

We accept a variety of payment methods. Students can pay in full, or in a maximum of three separate instalments. There is more information on our How To Pay webpages.


Additional Costs

Some of the University's degree programmes offer opportunities for students to undertake fieldwork trips. The cost of these activities is not included in the usual tuition fees. There may also be additional costs in the purchase of materials such as art supplies. Details of any additional study courses, and the likely cost, are included in departmental information at the start of term.

Living Costs

Below are general examples of the kinds of costs incurred by a student staying at Aberystwyth. Remember, these will vary according to the lifestyle of the individual student. Costs are calculated over the academic year which is usually around 39 weeks.

Please also bear in mind that these are average costs. The residential costs at Aberystwyth are much lower than in other parts of the UK. Travel costs within the town are low and general living costs are much cheaper.

University Residences

Expenditure Estimated Cost per Week Estimated Cost per Month

Room (you may be eligible for zero-cost housing)

From £140

From £640

Food, Laundry & Toiletries

£55 £222
Bills (Energy, Internet) Included Included

Contents Insurance

See policy details

Included Included
Phone Contracts  


Books, Equipment & Stationery

Clothing   £48
Social £20 £80

Aber Sports Residential Package

Included Included
Travel Home   £35
TV Licence   £169.50
Extras £13 £51

Private Sector

There is a wide range of self-catering private sector accommodation available, where in most cases energy costs will be added to the rent. Please allow for 40 weeks at the average rental plus, to cover the summer vacation, 12 weeks at 50% of the average weekly rentals:

Expenditure Estimated Cost per Week Estimated Cost per Month




Food, Laundry & Toiletries £55 £222

Bills (Energy, Internet)
Depends on whether any bills are included in your rent

£24 £95

Contents Insurance

(Depends on the value of your items)

Phone Contracts  


Books, Equipment & Stationery

Clothing   £48
Social £20 £80

Aber Sports 145 Membership (non-residential student)

Travel Home   £35
TV Licence   £169.50
Extras £10 £51