Career Readiness Support

Career Readiness Support (CRS) is an extra level of support for students who might face barriers when it comes to finding future graduate-level employment.

It is specifically aimed at individuals who are feeling uncertain about the future, perhaps due to low confidence, a lack of relevant work experience, or not having networks and contacts who can help.

What does it involve?

Career Readiness Support is a part of Aberystwyth University's Careers Service. We offer skills development opportunities, workshops and training as well as opportunities to meet individuals from a wide variety of businesses and organisations through Meet the Professional sessions. We can also help to arrange work experience specifically for CRS students.

Who can take part?

Career Readiness Support is available for students from first year onwards who:


  • Are disabled (for example, a hearing, physical or visual impairment or development condition)
  • Have a mental health condition (for example, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, Depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Schizophrenia)
  • Are neurodivergent (for example, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD))
  • Have a work-limiting health condition (for example, cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, epilepsy)
  • Are from a low-income family (households earning less than £18,840 a year)
  • Are the first in my family to attend university
  • Are studying through the medium of Welsh
  • Are Asian or Asian British
  • Are Black or Black British
  • Have Mixed Ethnicity



  • Are from another Ethnic Group
  • Are a Mature Student
  • Are care experienced
  • Have caring responsibilities, including parental responsibilities
  • Are estranged from family
  • Identify as LGBTQ+
  • Are from Gypsy, Roma or Traveller background
  • Are a refugee or asylum seeker
  • Are from a religious minority
  • Are a veteran
  • Were raised by a family member in the armed forces
  • Are from an area where not many people go on to enter higher education
  • Are from an "area of deprivation" in Wales



If you relate to any of the above, click here to find out if you’re able to access additional Career Readiness Support and register your interest.

(If you need assistance with completing our online form or require an alternative way to explore signing up, please email us via


CRS Flourish

CRS Flourish logo


CRS Flourish is an aspirational, professional development programme for female students who are taking part in the Career Readiness Support programme.

Through CRS Flourish you can take part in a series of weekly workshops starting in March 2025, covering setting goals, practising assertiveness, stress management, applying for jobs, and lots more!

To take part in CRS Flourish, you need to be accepted for Career Readiness Support (click here to register your interest) and be available to attend Wednesday afternoons from 5 March to 7 May 2025 (with a two-week break over Easter).


What does involvement look like?

Here is an example of one CRS participant’s journey:

CRS participant wearing a red shirt

SOS, a non-binary, neurodiverse, mature postgraduate Creative Writing student at Aberystwyth University, faced employability barriers due to a lack of work experience and networking contacts. They also grappled with internalised stigma about their mental health condition, fearing potential employer discrimination.

From March 2023, SOS engaged in 30 one-on-one sessions with the team at their university, focusing on CV development, application support, and skill enhancement. Workshops attended included "Developing a Growth Mindset," "Diversity and Employability," and "Neurodiversity in Business."

SOS's participation in the programme led to an ABERforward placement with the university's Accessibility and Inclusion team. This experience, combined with the support from the Career Readiness Support team at the university, inspired SOS to apply for a permanent role within the same department, highlighting the transformative impact of the programme.

"The Career Readiness Support has been invaluable. My Adviser's assistance in securing placements and graduate employment, along with CV and LinkedIn support, has been instrumental."