

 UK 2ii Honours standard  

Good 2ii Honours

 UK 2i Honours standard 

 UK 1st Class Honours standard


Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier/d'Architecte d'Etat, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieurs: 12.0

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier/d'Architecte d'Etat, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieurs: 13.3

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier/d'Architecte d'Etat, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieurs: 14.0

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier/d'Architecte d'Etat, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieurs: 16.0


5-year Bachelors GPA 3.60 or 70.0%


Masters: 60.0% or GPA 3.00

5-year Bachelors GPA 4.12 or 76.5%


Masters: 66.5% or GPA 3.65

5-year Bachelors GPA 4.40 or 80.0%


Masters: 70.0% or GPA 4.00


Masters: 80.0% or GPA 5.00


  • Diplôme d’Études Supérieures de Commerce
  • Diplôme d’Ingénieur de Conception
  • Bachelor degree
  • Licence
  • Diplôme d’Ingénieur de Travaux



Assez Bien


cGPA 2.5 



Assez Bien


cGPA 2.75  





cGPA 3.0 



Très Bien


cGPA 3.7 



Bachelor of Arts (from a Public or Private University): 65%
Bachelor of Science (from a Public or Private University): 65%

Bachelors from the American University in Cairo: cGPA 2.70

BA (from a Public or Private Univ.): 74.8%

BSc (from a Public or Private Univ.;): 71.5%

Bachelors from the American Univ. in Cairo: cGPA 3.03

Bachelor of Arts (from a Public or Private University): 80%
Bachelor of Science (from a Public or Private University): 75%

Bachelors from the American University in Cairo: cGPA 3.20

Bachelor of Arts (from a Public or Private University): 90%

Bachelor of Science (from a Public or Private University): 85% Bachelors from the American University in Cairo: cGPA 3.70


Bachelor's 2ii Honours/GPA 2.5

Bachelor's Honours with cGPA 2.83

Bachelor's 2i Honours/GPA 3.0

Bachelor's 1st Honours/GPA 3.6


Bachelor's degree: 2ii / GPA 2.30

 Bachelor's degree: GPA 2.76

Bachelor's degree: 2i / GPA 3.00

Bachelor's degree: 1st / GPA 3.70


Masters: 65.0%

Masters: 71.5%

Masters: 75.0%

Masters: 85.0%


Bachelor's degree (from a university): 65.0% or GPA 2.00

Bachelor's degree (from a university): 70.0% or GPA 2.50

Bachelor's degree (from a university): 75.0% or GPA 3.00

Bachelor's degree (from a university): 85.0% or 4.00 GPA


Master's degree: Pass with Credit (60% to 69%)

Masters Pass with Credit (66.5%)

Master's degree: Pass with  marginal Distinction (70% to 74%)

Master's degree: Pass with  Distinction (75%)


Licence, Diplôme d'Inéniuer d'Etat, Diplôme du Cycle Normal: 11.0

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier d'Etat, Diplôme du Cycle Normal: 12.3

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier d'Etat, Diplôme du Cycle Normal: 13.0

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier d'Etat, Diplôme du Cycle Normal: 15.0


Bachelor's degree:

2ii Honours

GPA 2.40  (on 5pt. scale) 

Bachelor's degree:

2ii Honours with 56.5% min.

GPA 3.12  (on 5 pt. scale)

Bachelor's degree:

2i Honours

GPA 3.50 (on 5 pt. scale)

Bachelor's degree:

1st Honours

GPA 4.50  (on 5pt. scale)

South Africa

  • Bachelor's Honours: 2ii / 60%
  • Bachelor's Ordinary: 2i / 67%

Bachelor's Honours: 66.5%

Bachelor's Ordinary: 72.2%

Bachelor's Honours: 2i / 70%

Bachelor's Ordinary: I / 75% / Distinction

Bachelor's Honours: I / 75% / Distinction


Bachelor's 2ii Honours/cGPA 2.70

Bachelor's Honours cGPA 3.29

Bachelor's 2i Honours/cGPA 3.60

Bachelor's 1st Honours/cGPA 4.40


Diplôme National d'Architecture, Licence, Diplôme National d'Ingénieur, Docteur en Médecine / Vétérinaire or Maîtrise:  11,0

Diplôme National d'Architecture, Licence, Diplôme National d'Ingénieur, Docteur en Médecine / Vétérinaire or Maîtrise:  13,0 Diplôme National d'Architecture, Licence, Diplôme National d'Ingénieur, Docteur en Médecine / Vétérinaire or Maîtrise:  14,0 Diplôme National d'Architecture, Licence, Diplôme National d'Ingénieur, Docteur en Médecine / Vétérinaire or Maîtrise:  16,0


Bachelor's 2ii Honours/cGPA 2.70

Bachelor's Honours cGPA 3.29

Bachelor's 2i Honours/cGPA 3.60

Bachelor's 1st Honours/cGPA 4.40


Masters: 3.00

Masters: 3.33

Masters: 3.50

Masters: 4.00


Bachelors Honours: 2.ii (60.0%)

Bachelors general: 2.i (65.0%)

Bachelors Honours: 2ii (62.5%)

Bachelors general: 2i (71.5%)

Bachelors Honours: 2.i (65.0%)

Bachelors general: 1st (75.0%+)

Bachelors Honours: 1st (75.0%+)