Discover virtually everything you need to know about going to university
01 May 2020
A new online portal designed to help young people with preparations for university life during the ongoing Coronavirus lockdown has been launched by Aberystwyth University.
Researcher’s Coronavirus weaknesses findings a path to potential treatments
04 May 2020
A researcher from Aberystwyth University has developed a method of identifying potential hotspots in the Coronavirus, which could help develop vaccines and drug treatments.
Climate change could wreck traditional sheep farming in Wales
04 May 2020
Writing in The Conversation, Muhammad Naveed Arshad and Mariecia Fraser from IBERS discuss the problems facing sheep farmers owing to extreme summer weather, and the fact that a continuation of the exceptional heat and drought of recent summers will make it unlikely that Wales can continue to support its 10 million sheep.
Psychology crowned Department of the Year for second year running
04 May 2020
The Department of Psychology has won the coveted title of Department of the Year at the Aberystwyth Students’ Union Staff and Student Awards 2020, for an unprecedented second consecutive year.
Is it okay to laugh during a pandemic?
05 May 2020
Writing in The Conversation, Dr Gil Greengross from the Department of Psychology discusses how people are using memes and funny videos on social media as a defence mechanism to help us deal with the emotionally challenging situation.
University buildings offered for use for school pupils
06 May 2020
Aberystwyth University has offered Ceredigion County Council space on Penglais Campus as part of contingency plans that have been put in place if pupils were to return gradually to school before September 2020.
New local partnership to produce PPE equipment
11 May 2020
Aberystwyth University is working with a group in Machynlleth to produce more PPE to protect health and social care workers from Covid-19.
Policing vulnerable groups study follows Coleg Cymraeg scholarship award
11 May 2020
A student from Aberystwyth University has won a Welsh language scholarship to research the policing of vulnerable groups.
Freedom in Isolation - Creative Arts Online Exhibition
12 May 2020
The Creative Arts students from Aberystwyth University are producing a pioneering online exhibition of work created in response to the Covid-19 lockdown.
Covid-19: worry and anxiety guide available in Welsh
18 May 2020
A practical online guide to living with worry and anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic is now available online in Welsh, thanks to Aberystwyth University students.
Online programme offers lifelong learning students a chance to study remotely
18 May 2020
The Department of Lifelong Learning at Aberystwyth University is offering an alternative way to learn during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Finals Festival goes digital
19 May 2020
Theatre, Film and Television Studies final-year students will be presenting the fruits of their creative labour online this week, as one of the department’s flagship events goes fully digital for the first time.
Water, gravity and the feathers of a crow: Science in the garden during Covid
22 May 2020
What does water flowing from a hose have to do with space travel, and how can the feathers of a crow help unlock the secrets of a virus like Covid-19?