Successful Second Conference!

06 September 2017

March saw Aberystwyth Law School Postgraduate Conference hold a second successful conference on Llanbadarn campus.

Why the teenagers who murdered Brianna Ghey should have remained anonymous

13 February 2024

Writing in The Conversation, Dr Kathy Hampson, Senior Lecturer in Criminology and youth justice expert, along with fellow Criminology academics Dr Sean Creaney from Edge Hill University and Professor Stephen Case from Loughborough University, argue that it was not in the best interests of society for the identities of the teenagers who murdered Brianna Ghey to have been made public.

Shaping a probation service that better serves the people of Wales

13 February 2024

Criminology academics from Aberystwyth University are contributing to the national conversation on how a devolved probation service could work for Wales.

University and GP practice join forces to help veterans

02 February 2024

A Department of Law & Criminology project which provides free legal advice and signposting to UK military veterans and their families, has teamed up with a local GP practice to offer support.

Excellence awards for impact of research on global policies

25 October 2023

The pioneering work of two researchers in the areas of global biodiversity and regulating human trafficking has been selected for special recognition.

Veterans legal support project receives funding boost

02 October 2023

A project providing free legal support for veterans has been awarded further funding of £499,885 over three years from The National Lottery Community Fund.

Software to aid treatment of trauma sufferers developed by Aberystwyth University

19 June 2023

An Aberystwyth University academic has led a project to develop software to help different organisations share information about military veterans and others to protect them from having to revisit trauma.

University congratulates alumnus on election as First Minister

20 March 2024

Meri Huws, Chair of Aberystwyth University Council and Professor Jon Timmis, Vice Chancellor of Aberystwyth University have congratulated Aberystwyth graduate Vaughan Gething on his election as First Minister.

NSS 2017

09 August 2017

Law and Criminology students at Aberystwyth University have given their studies a resounding verdict of approval in an influential UK-wide poll.

In the National Student Survey (NSS) published 9 August 2017, 90% of Aberystwyth Law School students agreed they were satisfied overall compared to the average UK figure of 84%.

Law students give majority verdict on satisfaction

10 August 2017

Law and Criminology students at Aberystwyth University have given their studies a resounding verdict of approval in an influential UK-wide poll.

In the National Student Survey (NSS) published 9 August 2017, 90% of Aberystwyth Law School students agreed they were satisfied overall compared to the average UK figure of 84%. 

Unsure what to do from September?

25 May 2017

Have you got a good undergraduate degree from any discipline or relevant equivalent work experience? In that case, you might want to consider our taught postgraduate programmes

Bar set high by Aber Law School in NSS Survey

10 August 2016

Students studying Law and Criminology at Aberystwyth Law School have given its main Law degree course an excellent score of 89% in influential UK survey as students, higher than the UK figure of 86%. 

Aberystwyth University mooters head to the Supreme Court

26 April 2016

Students from Aberystwyth University’s Department of Law and Criminology are being given the opportunity to demonstrate their advocacy in front of a Supreme Court Justice.

Changing Society – Changing Law?

17 March 2016

Department of Law and Criminology hosts two day postgraduate conference to explore how the law copes with changes in society

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