Code First Girls

Code First Girls is a free online service that is partnered with Aberystwyth University and is dedicated to providing coding courses to help women and non-binary people develop their coding skillsCode First Girls hosted a session at the Digital Skills Festival 2023, you can watch the session below where they discussed more about the programmes and courses they deliver and the importance of their work.  

My Experience with Code First Girls

A colleague participated in one of Code First Girls’ courses and wrote a blogpost about her experience with the process and the course itself, you can read her thoughts here. 

5 reasons you should sign up to Code First Girls

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5 reasons you should sign-up to Code First Girls. Take advantage of Aberystwyth University’s partnership with Code First Girls and start your coding journey today!

  1. An incredible opportunity for women and non-binary individuals to learn how to code
  2. It’s 100% free!
  3. It’ll give you confidence, whether your a coding newbie or expert
  4. Access top employment opportunities with global brands such as NatWest, Nike and BT
  5. Extend your network and meet new like-minded friends!


How do I sign up?

If you are interested in learning more about Code First Girls or would like to sign up to one of their courses now, visit their website 

Please note that Code First Girls is open to women and non-binary people. If you are not eligible to undertake the courses offered through Code First Girls, there are many other free opportunities available, you can find more information about these opportunities on our free external resources page.