Required Minimum Presence

Guide Files

Below are links for printable copies of the Blackboard RMP Guidance for staff:

Blackboard RMP Word

Blackboard RMP PDF

RMP Guide

Blackboard Learn Ultra is the Aberystwyth University (AU) online learning environment. Each AU module has its own course site in Blackboard.  The RMP provides consistency so that students can find the content that they need. All content uploaded and generated in Blackboard should be as accessible as possible to ensure that it is compatible with Blackboard Ally. See AU Guidance on Creating Accessible Learning Materials for more information. For help using Blackboard, see our staff guide for Blackboard. For support using Blackboard, contact the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit ( 

All AU Blackboard course sites use an agreed template with areas for core information. The module template is agreed annually. Module Co-ordinators have responsibility for the organisation of materials in in their courses. 

Module Information Area

The module information area should contain the following:

  • Module outline, aims and learning outcomes. A separate downloadable module handbook may be provided that contains this information.
  • Induction materials to help students familiarise themselves with module requirements, organised into a single folder. This should include activities for students to familiarise themselves with the tools and approaches used in the module. Provide clear instructions for students on how to engage with the module and learning activities.
  • Information on when content will be made available to students.
  • Link to any relevant health and safety information for studying on the module, including risk assessments where relevant.
  • Information about staff teaching the course, including contact information and availability, how to arrange a meeting (in person or online), and when students can expect a response to a query.
  • Details about how students can provide feedback on and ask questions about the module.
  • A link to Panopto Course tool
  • Upload the SES action plan

An organised location for Learning Materials

A folder or Learning Module structure should be created for Learning Materials. To allow staff greater autonomy over content organisation, we have not specified a structure. 

Staff should ensure that:

  • Content is organised clearly using folders / Learning Modules by weeks or topics (see guidance on creating content for further information).
  • All content, including folders / Learning Modules are named clearly and consistently.
  • All relevant learning materials are uploaded to the Blackboard course site – this includes PowerPoint slides, handouts, notes or other supporting materials.
  • Learning activities are added alongside the relevant supporting materials (learning resources).
  • Clear instructions for students on what to do with each resource.
  • All learning materials must be as accessible as possible. If some items cannot be made fully accessible, explain why and what students can do to request more accessible options. See AU Guidance on Creating Accessible Learning Materials for more information.
  • Links to Panopto recordings should be included alongside the relevant learning materials / activities. As an addition, staff may also create a link to the Panopto folder (so that students can see all the recordings in one location). For guidance on recording live lectures, see the AU Lecture Capture Policy. For guidance on pre-recorded lectures, see How to make asynchronous recordings engaging and interactive.
  • Where appropriate, use Release Conditions to release content at specific times, to specific users, or based on user activities.

Assessment and Feedback Area

The assessment and feedback area should contain:

  • Assessment information including marking criteria
  • How to access feedback.
  • Assignment submission points with full information including the date and time of the assignment deadline.
  • A link to the Regulation on Unacceptable Practice
  • A link to Past Exam Papers
  • Who to contact if students have difficulties submitting assignments. Direct students to the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit for technical assistance (

External Examiners (hidden) Area

This folder should include:

  • Items that you want the External Examiner to view
  • Downloaded marked assignments for moderation
  • Evidence of moderation processes
  • This folder should never be made visible to students

Aspire Reading List

The Aspire reading list to be added as a standalone item (rather than in a folder) and to be located on the Content tab as one of the top six items.

Mae'r Polisi hwn yn cael ei gynnal gan Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth. Fe’i adolygwyd ddiwethaf ym mis Chwefror 2024 gan Bwyllgor Gwella Academaidd a bydd yn cael ei adolygu eto ym mis Chwefror 2025. / This Policy is maintained by Information Services, was last reviewed by Academic Enhancement Committee in February 2023 and is due for review in February 2025.

Additional Information

More information and support is available: