DDMI Annual Lecturer 2013 - Thomas O. Melia, US Department of State

10 March 2013

This year’s DDMI Annual Lecture was given by Thomas O. Melia. Melia is a senior official in the United States Department of State. The lecture took place on Tuesday 19 March in the Main Hall of the International Politics Building, Aberystwyth University. The title of Melia's lecture was: ‘Is it realistic to think we can advance democracy and human rights?’

Conference: 'Emancipatory Realism: Ken Booth and the Discipline of International Relations’

11 March 2013

Department of International Politics held an international conference ‘Emancipatory Realism: Ken Booth and the Discipline of International Relations’ on 15–16 March, 2013. The conference examined the contribution of Ken Booth (Director, DDMI) to International Relations Theory and Security Studies.

E. H. Carr Memorial Lecture, Prof. Peter Vale, ‘If IR lives in the street, what is it doing in the classroom?'

14 March 2013

The DDMI was pleased to announce the E. H. Carr Memorial Lecture for 2013. Peter Vale, Professor of Humanities at the University of Johannesburg, and Nelson Mandela Chair of Politics Emeritus at Rhodes University, spoke on ‘If International Relations lives in the street, what is it doing in the classroom?’ The lecture took place on Thursday 14 March in the Old Hall, Old College, Aberystwyth University.