Call for Images illustrating Independence by Caernarfon Area Photographers

The project held a photography exhibition in Aberystwyth in April 2023, displaying images of ‘Independence’ taken by local photographers.
29 August 2023
Researchers are looking for people in the Caernarfon area with a passion for photography to take pictures reflecting how they think and feel about independence.
The photographers will be asked to take four pictures and attend a session at Y Galeri in Caernarfon on Saturday 30 September to discuss how and why they chose their images.
The call is part of an international research project led by Dr Anwen Elias and Dr Elin Royles from Aberystwyth University's Department of International Politics.
The aim of the project is to explore how people's life experiences affect their attitudes towards independence in Catalonia, Wales and Scotland.
Dr Anwen Elias from Aberystwyth University said:
"In Wales, as part of our research project, we have already been collaborating with photographers in the Aberystwyth area and this work is now expanding to the South Wales valleys. As we are keen to ensure we have images from all parts of Wales, we hope that photographers from the Caernarfon area will want to be part of this fascinating study. We aim to reflect a wide range of opinions and welcome contributions from individuals who have different views on independence, as well as those who have not thought about the issue at all."
Dr Elin Royles from Aberystwyth University said:
"This project is developing a brand-new approach to 'Independence' research. To date, most of the research in the field has focused on survey responses and demographics, such as age, gender, social class and income, but we are delving deeper and are interested in learning how we can explain how people think and feel about the constitutional future of their respective countries - starting with photography.
"By working in Wales, Scotland and Catalonia, our aim is to add colour and shade to what is currently known about people's views in relation to Independence. Most importantly, it can lead to a more nuanced discussion, especially in Catalonia and Scotland, where debate is intense and polarised among political parties and the media."
Photographers from the Caernarfon area who are interested in the project can register online or contact Elin Royles directly for more information.
A selection of images taken in the Caernarfon area will feature in photography exhibitions which the project is planning to stage in Wales and Catalonia.
The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of its WISERD (Welsh Institute for Social and Economic Research and Data) programme.