Mr Prysor Davies
LL.b; PGCE (Primary); NPQH, SFHEA

Interim Head of the School of Education
Senior Lecturer
Contact Details
- Email:
- ORCID: 0000-0002-5346-4509
- Office: 2.30, Penbryn Building 5
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 621928
- Research Portal Profile
Senior Lecturer, School of Education
Additional Information
Commissioned report
Chapman, S., Davies, P., Cann, R., Davies, A. J., Jeffery, J. & Lewis, M., 2018. The Impact of Academic Accreditation and Recognition on Teachers' Engagement with Professional Learning: A Literature Review. Prifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University. 38 p.
Paper (Peer reviewed)
Davies, P.M., Parry, E., 2018. ‘Pan fo addysgwyr yn ddysgwyr – safbwyntiau ar hyder ymarferwyr ail iaith i gefnogi ‘Datblygu’r Gymraeg’ fel ail iaith yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen’. Gwerddon (26) tud 69-87
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Davies, A.J., Davies, P. 2015. Asset, affiliation, anxiety?: Exploring student perspectives on Welsh-medium study at post-sixteen further education colleges. In M. Jones (ed), Policy and Planning for Endangered Languages., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 67-79.
Davies, A.J., Davies, P. 2015. What happens when they leave school? Conceptualising students’ attitudes towards post-compulsory study in minority languages. Minority Languages in Education and Language Learning: Challenges and New Perspectives, Belgrade, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 28/05/2015 - 31/05/2015.
Davies, A.J., Davies, P. 2014. Choices, Champions and Challenges: the promotion of Welsh-medium and Bilingual Education in post-16 Further Education Colleges in Wales. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning, Calgary, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 04/09/2014 - 06/09/2014.
Davies, A.J., Davies, P.M. 2013. 'Perceptions and attitudes amongst bilingual post-16 students in Wales towards Welsh-medium Study'. International Conference on Minority Languages XIV, Graz, Austria, 11/09/2013 - 14/09/2013.
Davies, A.J., Davies, P. 2013. Good Practice in Welsh-medium Provision in the Post-16 Sector. 14-19 Qualifications in Wales, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 23/05/2013 - 23/05/2013.
Commissioned report
Davies, A.J., Davies, P.M., , 2012. Llawlyfr Arfer Dda: Enghreifftiau o Arfer Dda wrth Annog Myfyrwyr Addysg Bellach i Barhau â’u Haddysg drwy Gyfrwng y Gymraeg., Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg
Other report
Davies, P.M., Atherton, S.J., Phillips, J.O., Davies, A.J. 2012. Tablet Assessment Programme. Prifysgol Aberystwyth University
Module Coordinator
- ED39920 - Learning Digital Competencies
- EDM2820 - Curriculum Design and Realisation
- ED39120 - Learning Numeracy
- ED39420 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 2 (Level 6)
- ED39720 - Bilingual Learning
- ED39820 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Learning
- ED39620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 6
- EDM2420 - Exploring Pedagogies
- ED29620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 5
- ED30620 - Children's Rights
- ED39720 - Bilingual Learning
- AD30320 - Datblygiad Mathemategol yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
- ED39820 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Learning
- AD30620 - Hawliau Plant
- ED29320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 Level 5
- ED39020 - Offender Learning
- ED39020 - Offender Learning
- ED39320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 (Level 6)
- ED39920 - Learning Digital Competencies
- AD20620 - Gweithio Gyda Phlant
- ADM2420 - Archwilio Addysgeg
- ED29520 - Learning Literacies Level 5
- ED39120 - Learning Numeracy
- ED39520 - Learning Literacies Level 6
- AD14420 - Partneriaethau - Egwyddorion ac Ymarfer
- EDM2420 - Exploring Pedagogies
- ED39320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 (Level 6)
- ED39420 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 2 (Level 6)
- AD30320 - Datblygiad Mathemategol yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
- ED39920 - Learning Digital Competencies
- ED39620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 6
- AD14520 - Datblygiad a Dysgu Plant
- ED29520 - Learning Literacies Level 5
- ED33640 - Major dissertation
- ED20320 - Research Methods
- ED39820 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Learning
- ED29320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 Level 5
- ED24320 - Safeguarding and Professional Practice
- AD33640 - Traethawd Hir
- ED39020 - Offender Learning
- ED39120 - Learning Numeracy
- ED30620 - Children's Rights
- ADM3260 - Traethawd Hir
- ED34820 - Emotional and Social Development
- ED29620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 5
- AD20320 - Dulliau Ymchwil
- AD34820 - Datblygiad Emosiynol a Chymdeithasol
- ED39520 - Learning Literacies Level 6
- ED39720 - Bilingual Learning
- ADM2320 - Iechyd Emosiynol, Iechyd Meddwl a Lles
- ADM2820 - Cynllunio a Gwireddu Cwricwlwm
- AD20620 - Gweithio Gyda Phlant
- ED39620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 6
- ED39820 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Learning
- ADM2420 - Archwilio Addysgeg
- ED39520 - Learning Literacies Level 6
- ED39320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 (Level 6)
- ED29320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 Level 5
- ED30620 - Children's Rights
- ED39920 - Learning Digital Competencies
- ED29620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 5
- ED39420 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 2 (Level 6)
- EDM2420 - Exploring Pedagogies
- ED39120 - Learning Numeracy
- ED39720 - Bilingual Learning
- AD30320 - Datblygiad Mathemategol yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
- ED39020 - Offender Learning
- ED29520 - Learning Literacies Level 5
- AD30620 - Hawliau Plant
- AD14420 - Partneriaethau - Egwyddorion ac Ymarfer
- EDM2820 - Curriculum Design and Realisation
- AD20620 - Gweithio Gyda Phlant
- ED30320 - Mathematical Development in the Early Years
- ED30620 - Children's Rights
- AD30620 - Hawliau Plant
- AD30320 - Datblygiad Mathemategol yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
- ADM2920 - Arwain a Rheoli ADY
- ED20620 - Working with Children
- ED30420 - Special Educational Needs
- ED30120 - Assessment and Education
- ED20320 - Research Methods
- ED20220 - Literacy in Young Children
- ED10220 - Child Development
- ED20420 - Education, Diversity and Equality
- ED20820 - Making Sense of the Curriculum
- ED30320 - Mathematical Development in the Early Years
- ED20120 - Psychology of Learning and Thinking
Blackboard Dept Admin
- EDM2820 - Curriculum Design and Realisation
- EDM2920 - Leadership and Management of ALN
- EDM2520 - Inclusive Classroom Practice
- EDM2720 - Equity and Diversity
- EDM3020 - Leading Organisational Change
- EDM2320 - Emotional Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing
- AD20120 - Seicoleg Dysgu a Meddwl
- EDM2520 - Inclusive Classroom Practice
- ED14420 - Partnerships in Principle and Practice
- ADM2520 - Ymarfer Cynhwysol yn yr Ystafell Ddosbarth
- AD20220 - Llythrennedd Mewn Plant Ifanc
- EDM2720 - Equity and Diversity
- ADM2720 - Tegwch ac Amrywiaeth
Attendance Dept Admin
- EDM2920 - Leadership and Management of ALN
- EDM2520 - Inclusive Classroom Practice
- EDM2820 - Curriculum Design and Realisation
- EDM3020 - Leading Organisational Change
- EDM2720 - Equity and Diversity
- EDM2320 - Emotional Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing
Programme Leader for franchised PCET - PCE in Coleg Cambria
Teaching on:
Children's Rights
Datblygiad Mathemategol yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
Traethawd Hir / Dissertation
Have involvement in research in the areas of bilingual provision, learning, teaching and pedagogy and professional learning.
Director of Learning and Teaching, School of Education