Dr Lucy Trotter BA (LSE), MSc (LSE), PhD (LSE), PGCTHE (Aberystwyth University), FHEA

Dr Lucy Trotter

Lecturer in Education

School of Education

Contact Details


Lucy joined the School of Education as a lecturer in 2019. Prior to joining Aberystwyth University, she studied Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics, graduating with First Class Honours in 2014. She was awarded the Jean La Fontaine 2013/14 prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Achievement and the Peter Loizos prize for Ethnographic Research. In 2014, she was awarded a 1+3 scholarship by the Economic and Research Council to study for an MSc in Research Methods and a PhD in Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics, under the supervision of Dr Harry Walker and Professor Mathijs Pelkmans. She completed her PhD in 2020, and between 2021-2022, she was a visiting fellow at the Anthropology Department of the London School of Economics.

Lucy's forthcoming monograph, 'The Sound of Welsh Patagonia’, is based on 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork in the village of Gaiman and surrounding areas with a community of Welsh Patagonians who live in the Chubut Province. The book, published with University Wales Press, focuses on the relationship between music, Welshness and performance in a bilingual Spanish-Welsh music school, and argues that the individual and collective subjectivity (of both the Welsh self and the broader community as Welsh) was performatively constituted in the settler colony through the dynamics of seeing and being seen, and through the dynamics of hearing and being heard. The book argues that in Gaiman, Welshness was all about music, and more specifically, that the creation of Welshness was explicitly foregrounded in performances for tourists under both an imagined Welsh gaze and a Welsh ear, performances which had different implications in terms of our understandings of subjectivation and the subject.  

Lucy is particularly interested in issues of equity, diversity, performance, music, power, and inclusion. Her most recent research project (April-June 2021) was an ethnographic investigation into the experiences of single student parents in Higher Education in the UK (funded by Aberystwyth University Research Fund). She has also completed ethnographic research projects into the Welsh education system in Patagonia and with skateboarders in London. 

Additional Information

Trotter, L, (forthcoming), The Sound of Welsh Patagonia: Performance, Subjectivity, and Music In the Chubut Province, University Wales Press

Trotter, L, (forthcoming), Tair goers allweddol i brifysgolion y DU gan rieni sengl a oedd yn astudio yn ystod y pandemig COVID-19, Gwerddon Fach 

Trotter, L, (2023), “It has been an uphill battle from the get-go”: The experiences of single-student parents studying at university in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Journal of Further and Higher Education, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0309877X.2023.2212240 

Trotter, L, (2022), "It has been an uphill battle from the get-go": Studying, single parenthood, and the COVID-19 Pandemic, BERA Blog, available online at https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/it-has-been-an-uphill-battle-from-the-get-go-studying-single-parenthood-and-the-covid-19-pandemic  

Trotter, L, (2020), Performing Welshness in the Chubut Province of Patagonia, Argentina, PhD thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science, available online at http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/4265/ 

Trotter, L, (2015), "Arguing with songs: An anthropological approach to music, ideology and gendered subjectivity", Contingent Horizons, 2 (1), p. 19-38, available online at https://ch.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/default/article/view/63/25

Trotter, L, (2014), "Walking with skateboarders: the Southbank struggle for egalitarianism, working classness, and capitalist critique", LSE Argonaut Magazine


Module Coordinator


Year 2 Tutor, Equality Champion, Director of Postgraduate Studies, Athena Swan qualitative group lead 


Trotter, L 2023, '”It has been an uphill battle from the get go”: The experiences of single parents studying at university in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic', Journal of Further and Higher Education, vol. 47, no. 8, pp. 1042-1053. 10.1080/0309877X.2023.2212240
Trotter, L 2015, 'Arguing with songs: an anthropological approach to music, ideology, and gendered subjectivity', Contingent Horizons. <https://ch.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/default/article/view/63>
Trotter, L 2015, 'Walking with skateboarders: the Southbank struggle', The Argonaut, pp. 24-26. <https://issuu.com/argonaut3/docs/argonaut._2015._summer>
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