Luminescence and ESR theses online

The following research theses have been made available by their authors as PDF files. If you would like to add your thesis to this page then please contact the Ancient TL editor (Geoff Duller,


Ankjaergaard, C. (2010) Understanding optically stimulated charge movement in quartz and feldspar using time-resolved measurements (10.4 Mb)
Baril, M.R. (2002) Spectral investigations of luminescence in feldspars (5.2 Mb)
Bøtter-Jensen, L. (1999) Development of optically stimulated luminescence techniques using natural minerals and ceramics, and their application to retrospective dosimetry (1.8 Mb)
Clark, P.A. (1994) Isochron methods for luminescence dating in archaeology (7.2 Mb)
Duller, G.A.T. (1992) Luminescence chronology of raised marine terraces, south-west North Island, New Zealand (4.0 Mb)
Guérin, G. (2011) Numerical simulations and modeling of dosimetric effects in Quaternary sediments: application to luminescence dating methods (16.3 Mb)
Kalchgruber, R. (2002) Alpha-Al2O3:C als Dosimeter zur Bestimmung der Dosisleistung bei der Lumineszenzdatierung (6.9 Mb)
Kim, J.C. (2009) Geochronology and geochemical characteristics of sediments at the Jeongokri archaeological site, Korea (3.3 Mb)
Lauer, T. (2011) Luminescence and infrared-radiofluorescence dating of fluvial deposits from the Rhine system – methodological aspects and new insights into Quaternary geochronology
Li, S.H. (1992) Development and application of stimulated luminescence dating methods for sediments (33 Mb)
Lopez, G.I. (2007) The late Quaternary evolution of the Apalachicola barrier island complex, north-east Gulf of Mexico, as determined from optical dating (12.5 Mb)
Murray, A.S. (1981) Environmental radioactivity studies relevant to thermoluminescence dating (25.2 Mb)
Nathan, R. (2010) Numerical modelling of environmental dose rate and its application to trapped-charge dating (11.9 Mb)
Neudorf, C.M. (2012)  Luminescence investigations into the time of final deposition of Toba volcanic ash and artefact-bearing alluvial sediments in the Middle Son Valley, Madhya Pradesh, India (48 Mb)
Olley, J.M. (1994) The use of 238U and 232Th decay series radionuclides in sediment tracing (34.0 Mb)
Rodnight, H. (2006) Developing a luminescence chronology for late Quaternary fluvial change in South African floodplain wetlands (12.5 Mb)
Roskin, J. (2011) The timing and the environmental and palaeoclimatic significance of the late Quaternary dune encroachments into the northwestern Negev Desert, Israel (15.8 Mb)
Singarayer, J.S. (2003) Linearly modulated optically stimulated luminescence of sedimentary quartz: physical mechanisms and implications for dating (6.1 Mb)
Thomsen, K.J. (2004) Optically stimulated luminescence techniques in retrospective dosimetry using single grains of quartz extracted from unheated materials (11.2 Mb)
Vandenberghe, D. (2004) Investigation of the optically stimulated luminescence dating method for application to young geological sediments (3.9 Mb)
Vasiliniuc, S. (2011) Luminescence dating of Romanian loess using feldspars (4.8 Mb)
Zoller, L. (1995) Würm- und Rißlöß-Stratigraphie und Thermolumineszenz-Datierung in Süddeutschland und angrenzenden Gebieten (3.8 Mb)