News, Events and Reunions


You can keep updated with Aberystwyth University news here.

Virtual events

Please see here for recordings of past virtual events.


OSA and Alumni Annual Reunion 2024  

             Programme of events


To make sure you hear about all our upcoming events — including details of reunions you may be invited to please take a moment to update your details with us.


Whether you are celebrating a special milestone or wondering what your friends from your University days are doing now, there’s never been a better excuse to get together.

Reunions are a great way to reconnect with old friends and reminisce about your time at Aberystwyth University. For many Aberystwyth students, the friendships formed at university are lifelong.

Please get in touch with us if you would like any advice on planning reunions.

Find a Friend

We can support you by helping you contact lost friends. If you are thinking of organising a reunion, please contact us.

Due to our data protection policies, we can't disclose personal details of individuals. However, we are happy to forward messages on and make contact with your old friends. We also recommend updating your own details should anyone be looking to find you.

We'd love to hear from you and help put you in touch.