Day 111 NovemberLink
1500-1530 Welcome from LALSA and Aberystwyth University Join session

Session 1 - Reconfiguring Human Space


"El deseo poderoso de tocar’: Touch and (Im)personal Spaces in Cuentos de Eva Luna', Mel Boland, NUI Galway, Ireland


'Un ejemplo de eco-noir: la fractura ecológica en El mal de la taiga de Cristina Rivera Garza', Rafael Andúgar Sousa, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA


'Faithful Witnessing in Samanta Schweblin’s Distancia de rescate (2014)', Ricki O’Rawe, Queens University Belfast, UK

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Keynote 1


'Whose World Culture? Mexican Reflections from Utopia to Planerarity', Ignacio Sánchez Prado, Washington University in Saint Louis, USA

Join session 
1900-2100 Online Social Event Join session 
Day 212 NovemberLink

Session 2 - Reconfiguring Text Space(s)


'El cuaderno de Blas Coll: The Curious Case of the Ever-expanding Notebook', Nicholas Roberts, Durham University, UK


'Espacio, identidad y decolonialidad en ‘Borderlands La Frontera: The New Mestiza’ de Gloria Anzaldúa', Fernando Limeres Novoa, O Itsmo CLACSO, Spain


'Take My Word for It: Appropriation of State Discourse by the Public Narratives Of Disasters', Victoria Carpenter, University of Bedfordshire, UK

Join session
1130-1200 Tea/Coffee  

Session 3 - Reconfiguring Literary Space(s)


'Contemporary Brazilian Literature, Literary Awards and Translation: Transnational Movements', Cimara Valim de Melo, IFRS, Brazil


'Translating P’urhépecha Literature: (Re)configuring Mexico’s Multilingual Literature', Tania P. Hernández-Hernández, El Colegio de México, Mexico

Join session
1300-1400 Lunch  

Session 4 - Reconfiguring Violent Spaces


'La casa del dolor ajeno: México y Perú en tiempos violentos', Allen Juan Zegarra Acevedo, University of Florida, USA


'Situating Memory(ies) in Al sur de la Alameda: diario de una toma', Céire Broderick, University College Cork, Ireland


'The Affective Feminine and Las Islas Malvinas: (Re)Configuring Nation Space', Jennifer Wood, Aberystwyth University, UK

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Keynote 2


'Whose knowledge counts? Nineteenth century Indigenous experience of Argentina’s Conquest of the Desert and the interpretation of meaning', Lucy Taylor, Aberystwyth University, UK

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Conference Programme (DOC)

Conference Programme