Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Academic Year
Semester 1
Mathemateg Safon Uwch neu gyfatebol
Exclusive (Any Acad Year)
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Coursework  Mark based on attendance at lectures and tutorials and submitted assignments  20%
Semester Exam 2 Hours   (Written Examination)  80%
Supplementary Exam 2 Hours   (Written Examination)  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. sketch the graphs of simple functions
2. calculate the limits of real valued functions;
3. determine whether given functions are continuous or not;
4. explain the idea of derivative and compute derivatives from first principles;
5. explain the notion of inverse function;
6. derive the formulae for the derivative of products and quotients of functions;
7. compute the derivative of functions;
8. determine the local maxima and minima of functions and their points of inflexion;
9. compute integrals by the methods of substitution and integration by parts;
10. compute integrals of rational functions and trigonometric functions.

Brief description

This module introduces the basic concepts of calculus, starting with a revision of functions of a real variable. The idea of a limit is developed and two special limits are established: (i) the derivative and (ii) the definite integral. Differentiation rules are derived from first principles and the fundamental theorem of calculus is used to establish the related rules for integration. We use these rules for differentiation and integration and consider some applications of these tools.


To develop an understanding of functions, limits, differentiation and integration, and an ability to apply these tools.


1. FUNCTIONS OF A REAL VARIABLE: Graphs of elementary functions (polynominal, trigomometric, exponential, logarithm, absolute value, integer part). Periodic functions, even and odd functions. Operations on functions: addition, multiplication, division, composition.
2. LIMITS AND CONTINUITY. Limit notation. Rules for manipulation of limits. Sandwich theorem for limits, applications. Definition of continuity at a point in terms of limits. Continuity of sum, product, quotient and composite of continuous functions. Intermediate Value Theorem.
3. DIFFERENTIATION. Fermat’s difference quotient (f(x) –f(a))/(x-a). Definition of the derivative at a point. Geometric significance of the derivative. Differentiation from first principles of some elementary functions. Continuity of a differentiable function; examples of continuous non-differentiable functions. Rules for differentiation. Examples of differentiation, including logarithmic differentiation. Second order derivatives.
4. INVERSE FUNCTIONS. Definition. Trigonometric and polynomial examples. Differentiation of elementary inverse functions.
5. LOCAL MAXIMA AND MINIMA, CURVE SKETCHING. Locating the critical points of a function. Using the first derivative test to determine local maxima and minima. Points of inflexion. Graphs of rational functions, vertical asymptotes, horizontal asymptotes.
6. INTEGRATION. The Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus. Linearity of integration. Indefinite integrals. Methods of integration: integration by substitution, integration by parts. Definition of log x as an integral. The exponential function as the inverse of log. The hyperbolic functions. Integral of rational functions, use of partial fractions.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Required throughout.
Communication Written answers to exercises must be clear and well structured.
Improving own Learning and Performance Students are expected to develop their own approach to time-management regarding the completion of assignments on time and preparation between lectures.
Information Technology Via Blackboard.
Personal Development and Career planning Completion of task (assignments) to set deadlines will aid personal development.
Problem solving The assignments will give the students opportunities to show creativity in finding solutions and develop their problem solving skills.
Research skills
Subject Specific Skills Broadens exposure of students to topics in mathematics.
Team work Students will be encouraged to work together on questions during tutorials.


This module is at CQFW Level 4