Dr Thomas Wilson

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Castellano-Escuder, P, González-Domínguez, R, Vaillant, MF, Casas-Agustench, P, Hidalgo-Liberona, N, Estanyol-Torres, N, Wilson, T, Beckmann, M, Lloyd, AJ, Oberli, M, Moinard, C, Pison, C, Borel, JC, Joyeux-Faure, M, Sicard, M, Artemova, S, Terrisse, H, Dancer, P, Draper, J, Sánchez-Pla, A & Andres-Lacueva, C 2022, 'Assessing Adherence to Healthy Dietary Habits Through the Urinary Food Metabolome: Results From a European Two-Center Study', Frontiers in Nutrition, vol. 9, 880770. 10.3389/fnut.2022.880770
Finch, JP, Wilson, T, Lyons, L, Phillips, H, Beckmann, M & Draper, J 2022, 'Spectral binning as an approach to post-acquisition processing of high resolution FIE-MS metabolome fingerprinting data', Metabolomics, vol. 18, no. 8, 64. 10.1007/s11306-022-01923-6
Humphry, NA, Wilson, T, Cox, MC, Carter, B, Arkesteijn, M, Reeves, NL, Brakenridge, S, McCarthy, K, Bunni, J, Draper, J & Hewitt, J 2021, 'Association of postoperative clinical outcomes with sarcopenia, frailty, and nutritional status in older patients with colorectal cancer: Protocol for a prospective cohort study', JMIR Research Protocols, vol. 10, no. 8, e16846. 10.2196/16846, 10.2196/16846
Ni Lochlainn, M, Cox, NJ, Wilson, T, Hayhoe, RPG, Ramsay, SE, Granic, A, Isanejad, M, Roberts, HC, Wilson, D, Welch, C, Hurst, C, Atkins, JL, Mendonça, N, Horner, K, Tuttiett, ER, Morgan, Y, Heslop, P, Williams, EA, Steves, CJ, Greig, C, Draper, J, Corish, CA, Welch, A, Witham, MD, Sayer, AA & Robinson, S 2021, 'Nutrition and frailty: Opportunities for prevention and treatment', Nutrients, vol. 13, no. 7, 2349. 10.3390/nu13072349
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