Mr Robert Darby

Senior Research Officer
Manylion Cyswllt
- Ebost:
- Swyddfa: Adeilad Edward Llwyd
- Ffôn: +44 (0) 1970 622311
- Proffil Porth Ymchwil
Mur, LAJ, Clarke, A, Kenton, P & Darby, RM 2005, 'Harpin modulates the accumulation of salicylic acid by Arabidopsis cells via apoplastic alkalization', Journal of Experimental Botany, pp. 3129-3136. 10.1093/jxb/eri310
Scullion, J, Goodacre, R, Elliott, GN, Huang, W, Worgan, H, Gwynn-Jones, D, Griffith, GW, Darby, RM, Bailey, MJ, Clegg, CD & Draper, JH 2003, 'Food quality and microbial succession in ageing earthworm casts: standard microbial indices and metabolic fingerprinting: The 7th international symposium on earthworm ecology · Cardiff · Wales · 2002', Pedobiologia, vol. 47, no. 5-6, pp. 888-894. 10.1078/0031-4056-00276
Scullion, J, Elliott, GN, Huang, W, Goodacre, R, Worgan, H, Darby, RM, Bailey, MJ, Gwynn-Jones, D, Griffith, GW, Winson, MK, Williams, PA, Clegg, CD & Draper, J 2003, 'Use of earthworm casts to validate FT-IR spectroscopy as a 'sentinel' technology for high-throughput monitoring of global changes in microbial ecology', Pedobiologia, vol. 47, no. 5-6, pp. 440-446. 10.1078/0031-4056-00210
Draper, J, Darby, RM, Beckmann, M, Maddison, AL, Mondhe, M, Sheldrick, C, Taylor, J, Goodacre, R & Kell, DB 2002, 'Metabolic Engineering, metabolite profiling and machine learning to investigate the phloem-mobile signal in systemic acquired resistance in tobacco'. <>
Kell, DB, Draper, JH & Darby, RM 2001, 'Genomic computing: Explanatory analysis of plant expression profiling data using machine learning', Plant Physiology, vol. 126, no. 3, pp. 943-951. 10.1104/pp.126.3.943
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