Dr Wyn Morris PhD, MSc Econ (Entrepreneurship), BSc (Rural Resource Management), PGCTHE

Senior Lecturer in Management
Manylion Cyswllt
- Ebost: dmm@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0003-4355-2211
- Swyddfa: C54, Adeilad Hugh Owen
- Ffôn: +44 (0) 1970 622513
- Twitter: wyn_wm
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=6c8ltpwAAAAJ
- Proffil Porth Ymchwil
Noder: Mae gwybodaeth ychwanegol neu manylach ar y fersiwn Saesneg o'r proffil hwn.
Module Coordinator
- CB35120 - Arweinyddiaeth Strategol
- AB35120 - Strategic Leadership
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- CB25540 - Dadansoddi Busnes Strategol a Gwydnwch Gweithrediadau
- ABM5220 - International Strategy and Operations
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
- ABM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
- ABM5220 - International Strategy and Operations
- CB35120 - Arweinyddiaeth Strategol
- ABM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- AB35120 - Strategic Leadership
- MM34020 - Business Strategy
- CB25540 - Dadansoddi Busnes Strategol a Gwydnwch Gweithrediadau
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- CB35120 - Arweinyddiaeth Strategol
- AB15220 - Data Analytics
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- ABM5220 - International Strategy and Operations
- AB35120 - Strategic Leadership
- AB17120 - Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
- MM34020 - Business Strategy
- CB35540 - Traethawd Estynedig
- AB11220 - Accounting and Finance for Specialists
- AB13120 - Understanding the Economy
- CB25540 - Dadansoddi Busnes Strategol a Gwydnwch Gweithrediadau
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- AB11120 - Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance
- ABM5560 - Managerial Report
- AB15120 - Fundamentals of Management and Business
- AB13220 - Economic Theory and Policy
- AB19120 - Principles of Tourism Management
- ABM3520 - Global Supply Chain Management
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- AB25120 - Operations and Supply Chain Management
Oriau Swydda (Amseroedd Cyswllt Myfyrwyr)
- Dydd Iau 10:00-12:00
Norris, G & Morris, W 2025, Crime and safety in rural Wales. in V Ceccato & A Harkness (eds), Crime, Peoples and Places: Perspectives on Rural Safety and Justice. 1 edn, Routledge Studies in Rural Crimonology, Taylor & Francis.
Dowell, D, Bowen, R & Morris, W 2025, 'Understanding AI in rural SMEs: Opportunities for Wales' Ymchwil Senedd | Senedd Research. <https://research.senedd.wales/research-articles/understanding-ai-in-rural-smes-opportunities-for-wales/>
Bowen, R & Morris, W 2024, 'Digital entrepreneurship in agrifood business: A resource bricolage perspective', International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, vol. 30, no. 2-3, pp. 482-497. 10.1108/IJEBR-02-2023-0226
Bowen, R, Dowell, D & Morris, W 2024, 'Hospitality SMEs and the circular economy: Strategies and practice post-COVID', British Food Journal, vol. 126, no. 1, pp. 80-97. 10.1108/BFJ-10-2022-0932
Dowell, D, Morris, W & Bowen, R 2024, 'Understanding Artificial Intelligence Adoption and Use in Rural Small Medium Enterprises: An Opportunity to Level Up?' Enterprise Research Centre. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8261-8
Mwy o gyhoeddiadau ar y Porth Ymchwil