Last updated: May 20, 2001

Comments on tests: positive and negative together in the same comment..

Record no: 312
Positive: True

Negative: True

Just one note:

I thought there was a repetition

of 2 questions in the tests =

either I misread the first

test I took or somehow confused

myself if there is actually

no repetiation.

I feel that having these tests regularly has helped me

to learn as I have been going along. Perhaps it would

have been useful to have experienced both styles of exam

but I have no complaints about doing it this way.

Record no: 313
Positive: True

Negative: True

I think that this type of exam and assignment,

are the only proper ways to examine students on


If you had to do a written exam a lot of

what you would be required to write would

be reference knowledge that you would have to

learn inthe work place, as you would look it

up. For instance a question involving the Vector

class is impossible unless you know the method definations

off by heart.

I like this way of testing and consider

it fair. The tests were a big help in

keeping my nose to the grind-stone.

Amy. 19/5/00.

P.S. I didn't like questions phrased

'what is the closest possible output'

as this seems to make the answer partly

your opinion.

Record no: 315
Positive: True

Negative: True

The objective tests have been useful to monitor

progress, but they would be more valuable if

we could see what questions we got wrong

and what the correct answers are. Otherwise

it is difficult to know how well you are doing

and which areas need more attention.

I do prefer this to the traditional tests.

21 May 2001 Page 5 of 9

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