Last updated: May 20, 2001

Feedback from students: on the tests

Comments on tests: positive and negative together in the same comment..

Record no: 41
Positive: True

Negative: True

Cannot delet an Answer to leave blank once you have marked it.

Record no: 275
Positive: True

Negative: True

Test B

No probalems.

Need to be harder could do with some

code writing like traditional tests I know

it means more work for you but it would

be good.

Would be nice if didn't have to worry about mice

and keyboards and such. Possible solutions? a set of

exam mice or possible allow people to bring own I'm not sure.

Test A Q11 throw exeptiton? How about a tetris

applet for those who

finish early.

21 May 2001 Page 1 of 9

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