Last updated: May 20, 2001

Comments on tests: positive and negative together in the same comment..

Record no: 294
Positive: True

Negative: True

Good, adds variety to the exams.

Questions are written so you have

to read all the answers to check

your right.

got bored in break... very bored ... bored!!!

repetitions of 2 questions



} question & another one.


could be a bit harder & longer, finished 2nd

exam in 8 mins & checked it twice

Record no: 311
Positive: True

Negative: True

11 is the hardest question,

and 5 .-

Questions in general are ok

2 is put slightly strangly

A continue -

8 is very similar to a question

- B, which is not very good.

g is very similar to a question from B


I think the idea is really good,

but of the amount of feedback is

insufficient. Topical feedback would

help drasticaly

21 May 2001 Page 4 of 9

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