Contextual Offers

Aberystwyth University operates an inclusive admissions policy which recognises the individual nature of each application we receive.

We are committed to supporting the widening participation agenda and your progression to higher education.

Aberystwyth University considers all applications on an individual basis, taking the whole application into consideration.  Therefore, when considering an application, the following will be reviewed: any grades already achieved; any predicted grades; the reference; the personal statement, and, whether there are any extenuating circumstances which may be relevant.  Based on the information within the application, an applicant may either receive an offer lower than the top of the entry requirement band or this information may be taken into consideration at confirmation time when examination results are released.

In addition, the University issues contextual offers to applicants who meet any of the following criteria (excluding Veterinary Science and Veterinary Nursing):

  • If the applicant is estranged from their parents
  • If the applicant has any caring responsibilities
  • If the applicant has Refugee/Asylum Seeker Status
  • If the applicant lives in a disadvantaged area, which is reflected in their permanent home postcode and whether they live in Category 1 or 2 or the Polar4 Score
  • If the applicant has been in care
  • If the applicant is the first generation of their immediate family to attend Higher Education

The University finds out if the applicant meets any of the above criteria from their UCAS application as this data is captured by UCAS and made available to universities.  Therefore, the University can only issue a contextual offer to applicants who apply via UCAS.  Contextual offers are normally two grades or 16 points from the top of the entry requirement band.

Please note that subject specific entry requirements and any additional course requirements such as art portfolio still apply. Please see our undergraduate course pages for details of our standard entry criteria.

Access all Aber

All students that successfully complete our Access All Aber residential programme will receive a contextual offer at the lowest point of the published offer range for all eligible undergraduate courses.

Special circumstances

Information regarding special circumstances that may have unduly affected previous or current study of any applicant should be submitted to the Undergraduate Admissions Office
( at the point of application, or at the earliest opportunity if the circumstances arise post-application. Special circumstances that we are notified of will be considered at the discretion of the relevant admissions tutor where these have not already been taken into account by the relevant examination board.