Access All Aber

Students enjoying sports sessions, facility tours and an academic session during the Access All Aber residential programme.

The Access All Aber residential programme is aimed at helping Year 12 students research and prepare for university and ultimately at widening access to higher education.

This year, Access All Aber will run from Monday 8th July - Friday 12th July.  Applications for 2024 have now opened and full details on how to apply can be found below. 

Access All Aber is a high-quality 5-day residential programme which aims to better prepare students for university life. The programme will focus on developing key academic skills along with more social and informative sessions to engage young people with university and support their UCAS applications.


How to apply

Step 1 - Complete the application form

The first step is to complete this application form before May 31st 2024. 

Once you've completed this form, we will be in touch after the deadline has passed to let you know whether you have been accepted. 

Step 2 - Confirm your choices

If you've been accepted to take part in Access All Aber, then we'll be in touch with another form to fill. 

In this form you'll need to let us know more practical things such as your dietary requirements, where you'll need us to pick you up from (there's free transport) and to confirm which subject taster sessions you'd definitely like to take part in. 

Step 3 - Reference & Parental/Guardian Consent

We will now ask a teacher of your choice to provide a reference for you to take part in Access All Aber. 

We will also need permission from your parent or guardian for you to take part in Access All Aber.

Step 4 - Pack and prepare

We need the following for you to attend Access All Aber - 

  • Completed the Application Form
  • Confirmed your choices
  • We've received a reference from your teacher
  • We've received consent from your parent/guardian.

If you've completed all these steps then all you need to do is pack and prepare. We'll send you all the final details and tell you what to bring with you. 

If you ever have any questions then feel free to e-mail

What is Access All Aber?

Applications to Aberystwyth's Access All Aber 2024 are open to students currently in Year 12 in a school or college in Wales

  • The 2024 programme will run from Monday 8th July – Friday 12th July.
  • We provide FREE transport to and from Aberystwyth University.
  • We also provide FREE accommodation and food.
  • Participants can take part in 3 Subject Taster Sessions from a range of different subjects. - (You can see our list of subject areas here)

Places are limited and priority will be given to applications from students who satisfy the main Welsh Government priorities. 

Are you eligible?

There will be approximately 100 places for students in year 12, currently studying in a school or college in Wales. We target students who meet widening access criteria, focusing on (but not limited to) those: 

  • From postcodes which are in the lower quintiles (1 & 2) areas for the WIMD (Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation) - check your postcode here
  • Who are care experienced (have spent three or more months in care since the age of 14.)
  • Who are the first generation in the family to go to university.
  • Who are young carers.
  • Who are estranged from their family.
  • Who have one of the following immigration statuses; refugee, humanitarian protection, asylum seeker. 

From Summer University to Access All Aber

The old Summer University course has now been relaunched as Access All Aber and now benefits from the experience of our Global Marketing and Student Recruitment department to deliver a more condensed version of the course whilst still aspiring to reach the same goals of widening participation in higher education.

Over the past 18 years, Aberystwyth University has given countless students the opportunity to experience life at university, learning to adjust to being away from home and learning to cope with the pressures of balancing academic work and deadlines with sports and activities.

Each year, Aberystwyth’s Summer University helps young people to overcome some of the hurdles they may face in applying to higher education. The aim is to raise their aspirations and offer them a unique opportunity to explore their potential whilst experiencing the full breadth of university life.  As an institution, Aberystwyth University places great emphasis on widening access and removing barriers to higher education, whether the barriers are physical, social, cultural or financial.” Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan, Director of Welsh Language, Culture and External Engagement.

Between 2012 and 2019, approximately 83% of students who successfully completed the Aberystwyth Summer University went on to study at Higher Education level or higher-level apprenticeships.

Aberystwyth's Summer University and Access All Aber undoubtedly benefit the young people who complete the programmes but also offer valuable work experience for current Aberystwyth University students to work as student ambassadors. Our Student Ambassadors gain quality work experience as they assist with pastoral care and coordinate sports and social activities during Access All Aber. They are current students who have been trained to provide a high level of motivation and care to the participants – some of whom have not stayed away from home before. This opportunity enables our Ambassadors to hone their skills and increase their graduate employment opportunities.