Ahlan w Sahlan United Arab Emirates



If you have any questions about applying to, studying at, or living in Aberystwyth, do not hesitate to contact the regional officer for your country using the details below:

Contact: Jackie Jarocki
Email: jaj64@aber.ac.uk 

Entry Requirements

  Entry Requirements

International Foundation Certificate

30 week: Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Tawjahiya) with minimum 65% overall and in relevant subjects. 
15 Week: Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Tawjahiya) with minimum 75% overall and in relevant subjects.

English requirements vary from IELTS 4.5-5.5. Applicants must have an IELTS for UKVI or Trinity College SELT from a UK government approved test centre in order to get a CAS / Tier 4 Visa for a Foundation Course in the UK.

Contact tesol@aber.ac.uk


Offers can vary depending on the course, but are typically in the range of 104 - 128 UCAS tariff points. Applications with a recognised International Foundation Year will also be considered. 

OR Successful completion of Higher Technology Diploma may be accepted for direct entry to Undergraduate courses, subject to meeting the University’s standard entry requirements as specified for each course.

English Requirements:IELTS 6.0 - 6.5, with a minimum of 5.5 in each component. See other acceptable proficiency tests.


If you do not meet our requirements then we will consider you for our International Foundation Certificate


Students who have successful completed a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5, will be considered for direct entry onto a relevant postgraduate programme of study.

For specific requirements, please refer to the Postgraduate Admissions Office website.

English Requirements

IELTS 6.0 - 7.5, with a minimum of 5.5 in each component. See other acceptable proficiency tests.


If you do not meet the requirements for entry onto a Masters Degree in Aberystwyth Business School then we can consider you for entry onto our Pre-Masters Programme.

Profressional Doctorate

Please contact Dr Asha Peter at our partner BTEC Universities and refer to our Professional Doctorate pages

English Requirements

If you require help or assistance with your English then our International English Centre will be pleased to offer assistance and guidance. The Centre offers an intensive full-time courses available before you commence your degree and provides ongoing support throughout the duration of your studies.

Please note each course will require specific entry grades from the qualifications highlighted above. Some courses may also require an additional portfolio or interview.


Award Value & Benefit Further Information

International Accommodation Award

(Foundation, Undergraduate and Postgraduate)

International students are eligible to receive inclusive or discounted university accommodation for each year of studies. Subject to availability. *Terms and conditions apply.

See our International Accommodation Award page for more information.

Caru Aber International Award

This award gives a £1,000 tuition fee discount to any international fee-paying students who spent a period of time studying with us as an associate student.
See our Caru Aber International Award page for more information.

AberDoc Scholarship Competition

(PhD students only)

Grant for up to 3 years covering fees and maintenance with access to a conference fund.

See our AberDoc Scholarship page for more information.

International Family Award

£1,000 tuition fee discount available to international fee-paying students who have a family member that has studied, or is studying, at Aberystwyth University.

See our International Family Award page for more information.

Entrance Examinations & Merit Awards


Worth up to £2,000 and a chance to receive an unconditional offer.

See our Entrance Examinations & Merit Awards page for more information.

Departmental Scholarship

Worth up to £500 per year.

See our Departmental Scholarships page for more information.

For further information on Scholarships and Bursaries please see our Fees & Scholarships page or contact the International Recruitment & Development Office on international@aber.ac.uk


Aberystwyth University carefully selects overseas representatives and will only work with companies and individuals who meet our high standards of professionalism and service. For guidance on how to choose an agency please see the Student Guide to Choosing an Education Agent.

For further information, please also refer to the British Council's guidance for agents, the UKCISA Code of Ethics and the QAA's Quality Code for UK higher education.

Our Agents in UAE:

Company Name Phone Email Address
BTEC Universities (+971)24444132


EduGlobe LTD (+962)65540451 info@eduglobe.co.uk
Education Zone (+962)65540451 hello@ezone.ae
Elite International Education (+962)65828453 admission@eliteducation.co.uk
Global Student (+649)3582696  info@global-student.com
GoToUniversity (+971)589997527 info@gotouniv.com 
IDP Education Ltd (+971)43446814 info.dubai@idp.com / info.abudhabi@idp.com
JNS Dubai (+971) 442 97 096  info@jnsedu.com 
JNS UK +44 7766317128 admissions@jnsedu.com 
MKNCC Global Ltd (+44)01223969787 support@mknccglobal.ac.uk 
MSE Agency Ltd (+44)07950500676 info@mse-agency.com 
My Arman Education Group Ltd



Soud Abdel-Jaber and Sons Co. (GESCO) (+96)265562022


Talib Consultancy (+44)02392839210 info@talibconsultancy.co.uk 
UKIEC FZE LLC (+971)528760199


Uni Student (+971)26505959 info@unistudent.ae