REF: 66-2405-3159707 - PS11820 Coursework Issues

Your comment: PS11820,
Not provided with sufficient information regarding coursework, there was no coursework brief and limited information given which deviated from previous modules.

Our response:

I've had a look, and a coursework brief provides information about:
Module Code, Title, weighting, word length, and learning outcomes from the module database – some also replicate what is already in the UG handbook. The briefs also remind students to make sure they seek clarification on the coursework, how to seek extensions. Only PS11320 and PS11220 have a brief.
I can see that Gareth went through the coursework in Lecture 1 that has the same information as the handbook, and that Gareth has posted out the marking rubric used for essays that is in our undergraduate handbook and used across all essay-based questions. If I have understood correctly, you are to choose 1 essay question to answer from a choice of 10 depending on your interest and utilise research to answer the question as you see fit based on your research.
If you have any questions at all - about anything relating to any module send the module leader an email, or come to their office (preferably in their office hours to avoid any issues, or let them know you are coming before hand). They will answer any questions you have.