TUN feedback - Aberystwyth Business School
Click on the titles to view the feedback and response
Please note: comments and responses may have been edited. Information was correct at time of response but may have been superseded. We publish the comments in the language in which they have been submitted and the University's responses bilingually.
24/25 Semester 1
REF: 66-2411-5848715 - Document Accessibility
Your comment: It is imperative that all lecture materials are prepared using fonts that can be saved using OneDrive. This requirement ensures our documents remain accessible and properly formatted for all users. Failure to adhere to this guideline could lead to significant disruptions in our ability to share and collaborate on essential educational resources. Please take this matter seriously to maintain the integrity of our presentations and documentation.
Our response:
Thank you for your comment. Staff have been reminded of the importance of creating accessible learning materials and have received the guidance and training materials from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement committee. Blackboard Ally is also available for students to use to help access files in alternative formats: Ally for LMS Help for Students.Please speak to the module co-ordinators concerned and ask them to change any inaccessible lecture materials.
20/21 Semester 2
REF:66-2101-6294125 - Timetabling sessions
Your comment: I would like to address the timetabling, although it is good to have timetabled in-person teaching students do not know when to do the pre-recorded blackboard content. i feel that it may be beneficial for our timetable to include two or three hour study periods a day to create a mindset for the building blocks of our day as this would create a more scheduled pattern and create a metal mind set as not having these timetable is creating large amounts of anxiety.
Our response:
Thank you for contacting Tell Us Now. We trust our students are independent learners and as outlined in HoD e-mail sent on the 20th of January students are strongly encouraged “to fully engage with the tutorial sessions provided by attending all sessions that have been allocated to you. Significant evidence exists that shows the strong positive correlation between good student engagement and their performance on their course. Therefore, please take every opportunity to attend and fully engage in the activities that have been set up by your tutors. Also, to assist you in these difficult times, it is advisable to develop a plan and structure to your working weeks. “ Our Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit (LTEU) has provided useful advice on the following webpages: https://create.piktochart.com/output/51235737-quick-guide-to-student-success https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/important-info/living-and-learning-in-aberystwyth-2020-21/students/supporting-your-learning/ Additionally, Degree scheme co-ordinators have been tasked to ensure that students are familiar with organising their own their studies and creating independent “studying blocks” and all years should be given these links/discussed in their first sessions this week. If you have any further queries please don’t hesitate contacting your Degree scheme co-coordinator or your personal Tutor.
REF:66-2102-7467322 - Taking part in online sessions
Your comment: since Christmas i have noticed that other students have been contributing less in online sessions, i feel like it unfair as i contribute as much as i can be i don't want to be relied on to contribute all the time and it does not help that students are not interacting with the blackboard content which sometimes slows down the teaching. also, i feel that some modules in live sessions they just talk at us instaed of creating discussion as we should of already watched the blackboard content
Our response:
Thank you for your comment as this enables us within the School to review pedagogy and learning strategies to best serve our student groups. A recent communication was sent to all ABS staff outlining the need to ensure that pre-recorded lectures are up on BlackBoard before the commencement of lectures. This I am confident is already in place. However, the School will discuss with staff the issue of tutorial design and how we can best engage the students and encourage greater contributions from the student groups while we are still operating a fully online provision. Tutorials are designed to engage with the pre-recorded lectures rather than repeat Lecture content. We will undertake a review of tutorial provision to ensure this is being undertaken.
20/21 Semester 1
REF:66-2012-5851110 - Access to core texts online
Your comment: The core books that is needed for the assignment and preparation for the exams is not available online. I am studying remotely and have no access to the library, only online. As well books are only allowed to loan for one day only. In this way you are not able to make any note, save any pages or use it properly because everyday you have to download it again and start to use from the beginning. Very uncomfortable and takes way longer than having a book properly.
Our response:
Thank you for your Tell Us Now comment. I can confirm that this module's reading list has been updated. The core text book is listed as two separate entries for print and e-copy just so the students are aware it is available in both formats. It has been confirmed that 3 students can access the e-book Saul Estrin; David E. W. Laidler; Michael Dietrich ‘Microeconomics' at the same time and extra licences will be purchased if needed (it is being reviewed by Subject Librarian and Module Co-ordinator). There are 4 print copies as well to support the e-copies.