REF:66-2101-6294125 - Timetabling sessions

Your comment: I would like to address the timetabling, although it is good to have timetabled in-person teaching students do not know when to do the pre-recorded blackboard content. i feel that it may be beneficial for our timetable to include two or three hour study periods a day to create a mindset for the building blocks of our day as this would create a more scheduled pattern and create a metal mind set as not having these timetable is creating large amounts of anxiety.

Our response:

Thank you for contacting Tell Us Now. We trust our students are independent learners and as outlined in HoD e-mail sent on the 20th of January students are strongly encouraged “to fully engage with the tutorial sessions provided by attending all sessions that have been allocated to you. Significant evidence exists that shows the strong positive correlation between good student engagement and their performance on their course. Therefore, please take every opportunity to attend and fully engage in the activities that have been set up by your tutors. Also, to assist you in these difficult times, it is advisable to develop a plan and structure to your working weeks. “ Our Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit (LTEU) has provided useful advice on the following webpages: Additionally, Degree scheme co-ordinators have been tasked to ensure that students are familiar with organising their own their studies and creating independent “studying blocks” and all years should be given these links/discussed in their first sessions this week. If you have any further queries please don’t hesitate contacting your Degree scheme co-coordinator or your personal Tutor.