REF: 66-2501-2520803 - SES Response Rates
Your comment: Suggestion for SES/MEQ: it should become policy or lecturers should consider delaying or not perform an SES/MEQ when there are low attendance numbers than usual. I missed 2/3 of my SES this year which I admit is my fault but then I saw that the SES had only received 14/40 responses on one of the modules I am doing and 4/40 in another, this clearly won't be representative of students' experiences.
Our response:
Thank you for your suggestion regarding the timing of SES surveys when attendance is lower than usual. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts, as they help us understand how we can improve our processes to reflect students’ experiences better.
You raise a valid concern about response rates and how they can impact the representativeness of survey results. Low response rates, particularly in cases of reduced attendance, can indeed limit the value of the feedback collected. However, delaying or rescheduling the SES may not always be feasible due to the need to adhere to institutional timelines and ensure timely analysis of feedback.
To address similar challenges in the past, we’ve provided module coordinators the flexibility to schedule SES surveys anytime between weeks 7 and 10 of the semester. This is intended to allow for a meaningful point in the teaching schedule, balancing the need for feedback with ensuring the widest possible participation. The module coordinator can reopen the survey again in the survey window should this be within the survey window. To action this, please ask your module coordinator to arrange this.
While low response rates can be a challenge, it’s also important to note that even small amounts of feedback can highlight key areas for improvement. Additionally, early feedback allows module coordinators to make adjustments that may benefit the current cohort of students.
If you’re concerned about missed opportunities to provide feedback, I’d encourage you to share your thoughts directly with your lecturers or through alternative feedback channels such as the Tell Us Now form. Your input remains valuable even outside the formal SES/MEQ process.
Thank you again for your thoughtful suggestion. If you have any further ideas or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.