REF: 66-2404-6394522 - SES's need to be open longer

Your comment: I find it very strange that SES are only available for such a short window of time, and that they are opened before modules have ended. I have missed the window to complete several SES for my modules because I did not realize they would close so quickly. Additionally, we still had not received any marks when one of the SES opened. We cannot accurately comment on the timeliness of marks when the SES are expected to be completed while the module is still in session with several more weeks to go.

Our response:

Thank you for reaching out and bringing up these important matters. Your engagement with the SES (Module Evaluation) is greatly appreciated, as we truly value every student's experience within their modules.
I wanted to provide you with some insights into the SES survey process. The survey window typically spans from teaching weeks 7-10. During this timeframe, module coordinators have the flexibility to schedule the survey sessions within any timetabled teaching slots. In cases where face-to-face teaching is not applicable, the survey is conducted via email, usually remaining open for a week.
The reason we prioritize conducting surveys during teaching time is rooted in our experience. When surveys are administered via email, our response rates tend to plummet, compromising the reliability of the data. To facilitate participation, we suggest allocating 15-20 minutes at the beginning of lectures for survey completion, a timeframe that has proven sufficient for most respondents.
It's important to note that the survey window is designed to align with the delivery of module content and the receipt of some formative feedback. While we acknowledge that this may not always coincide perfectly, waiting until after all modules have received feedback would delay the survey until after the exam period when student engagement with module feedback tends to be significantly lower.
Additionally, as the SES is anonymous, we are unable to customize the questions for specific modules. Therefore, we employ a core question set covering assessment and feedback, allowing students to respond based on their experiences with summative feedback or select the 'this does not apply to me' option.
I hope this sheds light on the rationale behind the SES design. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further inquiries or comments.