REF: 66-2212-9131205 - MEQ's should be completed at home

Your comment: We have been asked to complete MEQ's in class for every module, and only given a few minutes to do them. We should be given these to do away from class, so we have more time, and those of us that can't think and type quickly actually have an opportunity to complete them. I have plenty of feedback that I'd like to give, but am not able to do so. 

Our response:

Thank you for your Tell Us Now comment. 

Wherever possible, we like to conduct MEQ’s during teaching time. This is because our previous data and experience has shown that when MEQs are conducted outside of the lecture room – for students to complete in their own time – our response rate falls extremely low. These low response rates will go forward and impact our data in terms of reliability and validity. Additionally, our system is currently not set up to allow for both in class and external MEQ completions as this could potentially result in some students submitting numerous MEQ responses. In terms of not having enough time to complete the MEQ, we do ask all lecturers to allow for 10-15 minutes to complete the MEQ which we previously thought is an adequate amount of time to complete the MEQ including the free text answer portion. However, we will review this before our next MEQ period.