Research with Impact
Our mission is research with impact
Research is central to the Psychology department. All staff are research active and engaged in a range of projects that have academic, social and health impacts. Their research specialisms also inform their teaching.
Who we work with:
Our collaborators include academics in the UK, Brazil, Canada, New Zealand, and UK government and non-government agencies including Hywel Dda University Health Board, Ceredigion County Council, Ceredigion Youth Justice and Offending Service, and charities. Staff have been funded by prestigious funding councils including awards from the EU, ESRC, EPSRC and British Academy.
What we do:
Staff employ a range of methods that include experimental, questionnaire, qualitative and participatory. Much of their work is interdisciplinary allowing them to contribute to contemporary challenges locally, nationally and internationally. Research is clustered around the following themes.
Language and learning: The language cluster studies language, cognitive neurolinguistics, applications of language, developmental language issues and the learning of language. Their research also explores differences between languages and the psychological impact of being bilingual.
Cluster lead: Victoria Wright
Health and well-being: This research cluster focuses on a range of health and well-being issues. Researchers in this cluster identify factors and techniques that enhance, promote or protect mental health in both clinical and non-clinical populations; study the dynamics between health stakeholders; and examine the impact of health policies on how people make sense of their health and the possibilities afforded by digital technologies. This group is also linked to the Centre for Rural Health.
Cluster lead: Rachel Rahman
Evolutionary and forensic psychology: This cluster focuses on addressing contemporary social and psychological issues through psychometric and evolutionary frameworks. Their work focuses on a range of important issues including criminal behaviour, smoking, hoarding and humour.
Cluster lead: Gil Greengross
Centre for Critical Psychology (CC-Psy):
CC-Psy focuses on psychology in society. It is interested in the way that ideas about what it means to be a good person or live a good life circulate and inform how people come to understand themselves and their behaviour. Critical psychology also focuses on the way that psychology is mobilised by government, health and education institutions and the implications of this when people take up these ideas to make sense of themselves.
Cluster lead: Martine Robson