Our Donors
You can be a part of this historic Appeal and make a lasting impact on future generations.
Together, we can ensure that the Old College will become, once again, a space that benefits so many people, in such a spectacularly unique environment.
Hear from some of our donors who are proud to be part of this iconic fundraising campaign
My husband and I met and married at the University. I have many happy memories of drama lectures in the grand Old College. We hope this magnificent building will an important part of the University for future generations.
Linda & David Rose (BA Drama, 1988 / BA Economics, 1988) -
The Old College made my Aberystwyth experience. I used to go every day to work in the library and soak up the atmosphere. I love the building with all its quirks and hidden areas, and I'm thrilled it will have a new life.
Gabriel Schenk (BA English Literature, 2008) -
At age 66 - 45 years since I graduated - I thought it high-time that I repaid at least part of my debt to Aber. Old College is a truly iconic building, in a truly iconic setting...'The College by the Sea'. It deserves a very bright future.
Emlyn Stephenson (BScEc Politics and Philosophy, 1975) -
I had a gorgeous undergraduate experience at Aberystwyth - supporting the historic Old College is like saying "thank you" for the best three years of my life!
James Scotney (BA English Literature, 2012) -
The Old College is such an important part of the Aberystwyth University experience, and of the town itself. As an alumni of the university, preserving it for future generations and bringing it back into the heart of university life is vitally important.
Amy Blaney (BA English Literature, 1972) -
I remember seeing Old College on my first visit to Aberystwyth and wondering what it was and why such a magnificent building in a truly amazing location was seemingly unloved and unused. Well here is the chance to change all that!
John Glasby (staff member at Aberystwyth University) -
I have wonderful memories of such happy times studying in Aber and the Old College was central to that. It should be preserved and evolve to meet the needs of today’s students and community.
Darren Pearce (BA Drama and French, 1999) -
The Old College was central to my Aber experience. I spent hours in various parts of the library, particularly enjoying the view of the Bay from the English room.
Belinda Hinsley (BA Classical Studies & History, 1976) -
Perhaps I took the Old College for granted when I studied at Aber. Perhaps now I feel a stronger need to show my gratitude. I would like to be part of the legacy and make a contribution to something that will outlast me!
Stephen Neale (BSc Environmental Biology, 1991) -
I set foot in the Old College last week for the first time in 47 years, with a group of friends who all met back then. We were given a fascinating tour and briefing on the project; nostalgia aside, I felt I had to support such vision and enthusiasm.
Glenna McCulloch (BA English, 1972) -
My career of 25 years all began at Old College back in 1993. I treasure the memories I have of my time here and am delighted to be able to give something back.
Jonathan Downes (PGCE, 1994) -
I’ve given to the Appeal in gratitude for all that Aber Uni did for me over six years as a BSc and PhD student with the Old College as the iconic heart of the University in the town.
David Evans (BSc Botany, 1978) -
My wife, Jane (née Evans) and I met at Aber. The university played a big part in making us the people we are today. When we saw this Appeal we wanted to help bring to life again such an iconic building.
Jon & Jane Brighton (BSc Zoology, 1983 / BSc Biology, 1984 ) -
The Old College is the beating heart at the centre of the University I love and has set me on the road to success and fulfilment.
Keith Pritchard (BSc Botany, 1967) -
It's where I had all my undergrad lectures and used the main Library, so holds a host of memories. I would love to see it as a new vibrant hub of the community.
Eleanor Coker (BA English, 1972) -
I always cherish the fond memory I had for the time when I was studying in the University. It is my pleasure to make a small donation to show my gratitude.
Chi Leung (BSc Computer Science, 1991) -
Its a wonderful building, and I always feel at home when I see it.
David McKay (BScEc International Politics & History, 2001) -
For students to be able to use this space again is so important to the heart of Aberystwyth and it’s Welsh educational heritage.
Rachel Phillips (BSc Countryside Conservation, 2003) -
The Old College means a lot to me. It’s a beautiful space to learn and I want other future students to have the same experience I did.
Louisa Backway (BA Drama, 2003) -
I'm a 1970 Aber Chemistry graduate. I am forever grateful for the opportunities that opened up to me after graduating. I have great memories of cramming in the O.C. Libraries, and sitting finals there.
Robert Smethurst (BSc Chemistry, 1970) -
I was a PGCE student in 1981/2 & just loved the building: spiral staircases & most particularly the library. When asked to describe it I just say “Think Hogwarts”!
Sheila Hurley (PGCE Education, 1982) -
I had the privilege of walking its corridors and studying while I was in Aber, and I’d like others to share this.
Leigh Manley (BA English and History, 1998) -
I loved my time at Aberystwyth. I particularly loved the charm of its quirky old buildings such as the Old College. Would love for these to be preserved, improved and available for future undergraduates to enjoy as part of the Aber experience!
Alexander Hull (BA European History, 2012) -
The Old College is an iconic structure. Improving it to provide more student study facilities would be an excellent use of this old building.
Richard Orton (BSc Economics and Geography, 1969) -
We had many happy years at Aber as students. We are delighted to support this cause.
Sarah & Adrian Shaw (BA French and German, 1979 / BA Geography, 1976) -
I spent some of the happiest years of my live at Aber, and many happy hoursin the old college building , ,in the lecture rooms, the library, acting on the exam hall stage or just hanging out in the quad.
Peter Walton (BA Philosophy, 1964) -
Aberystwyth University is a fantastic place to live and learn. The Old College is a beautiful building and I hope that its beauty and serenity will continue to inspire generation of students for years to come.
Matthew Vernon (LLB Law, 2013) -
I did not attend any lectures in the old college but I have always loved it during my 1980 - 1983 time in Aberystwyth. I would like future students and visitors enjoy it too.
Abdul Almutawa (BScEc Economics and International Politics, 1983)