Aberystwyth University joins new government coronavirus testing scheme for safer student travel

Aberystwyth University
24 November 2020
Aberystwyth University has confirmed that it is planning to take part in a government scheme to offer a new COVID-19 test to students in order to reduce the spread of the virus through travel over the holidays.
The scheme, which was announced recently by Education Minister Kirsty Williams, is designed to support efforts throughout Wales and other UK nations to reduce the risk of students transmitting the virus to friends and loved-ones, especially as they travel elsewhere for the festive period.
The University will be working closely with the government to host a new testing centre on its Penglais campus, offering students and staff free Lateral Flow tests.
Lateral Flow tests are aimed at people without COVID symptoms and can produce results faster than the current PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests used across the NHS to test those with symptoms.
The new tests can detect the presence of coronavirus by applying a swab or saliva sample to the device’s absorbent pad. The sample runs along the surface of the pad, showing a visual positive or negative result dependent on the presence of the virus.
The test result is accurate only on the day the test is taken. A negative result does not mean that the individual testing is clear of COVID-19, and so individuals will need to remain vigilant for any symptoms.
The testing on Aberystwyth University’s campus will take place between Monday 30 November and Monday 7 December.
The testing centre will not open to members of the public.
Aberystwyth University Vice-Chancellor Professor Elizabeth Treasure commented: “Our priority is the health and wellbeing of students, staff and the wider community. That has been our approach since the start of the pandemic. In line with that, we are putting practical plans in place to offer COVID-19 testing to our students prior to the Christmas break.
“While only a relatively small number of our students have tested positive for COVID-19, these tests are designed to detect whether an individual is asymptomatic. This could add significantly to efforts reduce COVID-19 transmission in future.
“The testing we’re planning to make available at Aberystwyth University is part of a wider pilot scheme for mass testing. It will offer participants the opportunity to know whether they are infectious on the day they take their test. On the basis of the results received, we want to enable individuals to make the best choices they can in order to keep themselves, their friends and families safe."
Asymptomatic cases have a high likelihood of spreading the virus and identifying them can help break the chain of transmission. The technology has already been validated – clinical testing phases are all complete and the Government has been rolling out different field tests and pilots to identify how to best use this new technology at scale. This new kind of COVID-19 test could lead to faster, more widespread testing across the country.
The tests will be available to all University students who wish to take one, and will be provided free of charge.
Eifion Evans, Chief Executive of Ceredigion County Council added: “Testing asymptomatic students will enable them to go home over Christmas knowing that they have further information which will enable them to keep their families, friends and communities safe from the coronavirus. We urge as many students as possible to take up the opportunity for a test.
“If this is a success, it is hoped that similar testing could be undertaken on students’ return to Aberystwyth in January, which will safeguard both the student population and the wider population of Ceredigion.”
While the University’s current planning is focused on testing prior to students’ departure from their term-time accommodation, they say they intend to soon start planning to offer testing again on students’ return in 2021.
Aberystwyth University students and staff can find more information by going to: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/important-info/living-and-learning-in-aberystwyth-2020-21/students/testing-and-end-of-term-arrangements