First-rate new study facilities for students

Vice-Chancellor Professor Elizabeth Treasure with David Allen OBE, Chair of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales cutting the ribbon to officially open the newly refurbished Iris De Freitas Study Room on Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth University, 27 November 2019
28 November 2019
Two fully refurbished study spaces on Penglais Campus were officially opened by David Allen OBE, Chair of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, during a visit to Aberystwyth University on Wednesday 27 November 2019.
The impressive rooms – one a large lecture theatre, the other a group study room – offer state-of-the-art facilities designed in consultation with students.
The 180-seater C22 lecture theatre in Hugh Owen Building boasts brand new seating and carpets, an up-to-date audio visual system, intelligent LED lighting system and power/USB sockets, and has been fully rewired and redecorated.
A modern heating, cooling and ventilation system has been installed, and there is easier access for people with disabilities and improved acoustics.
In the Hugh Owen Library the Iris De Freitas study room has also been completely overhauled.
Named after the daughter of a merchant in British Guiana who studied law at Aberystwyth in the 1920s and went on to become the first female lawyer in the Caribbean, the room boasts magnificent views of Cardigan Bay.
Representing an investment of £900k, the newly refurbished room is an inviting and comfortable group study space for students.
With a new curved ceiling giving a sense of height and the installation of glass study rooms to make better use of the space, the room has also been fully rewired, redecorated and new carpets laid.
There is also improved heating and better insulation to improve energy efficiency, and new windows with automatic openers provide cooling and ventilation.
In addition to new furniture and computers in the study areas, a relaxed seating area has been created, with vending machines and gender neutral toilet facilities installed.
A new LED intelligent lighting system, including colour changing lights, provides the finishing touch.
Cutting the ribbon to officially declare the new facilities open, David Allen OBE, Chair of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, said: “An investment in these facilities is an investment in the student experience. Current students will be able to take advantage of the modern learning environment, and prospective students will be attracted by the accessible, contemporary space.
“On behalf of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, I am pleased to be opening the Iris De Freitas study room and the C22 lecture theatre. Today we see the real-life outcomes of good capital investments, ensuring that students have access to modern facilities, and that our universities are able to compete successfully in a competitive market.
“I am grateful to Aberystwyth University and Professor Elizabeth Treasure for inviting me to open the spaces today, and I am confident that they will serve the University, staff and students well over the coming years.”
Speaking at the opening ceremony Vice-Chancellor, Professor Elizabeth Treasure, said: “It is a real pleasure to see first-hand these outstanding newly refurbished teaching and study facilities situated here at the heart of Penglais Campus. Our University is renowned for its outstanding student experience, and we are currently investing significantly in creating a learning and living environment to be proud of.
“Throughout the planning process for the C22 lecture theatre and the Iris de Freitas study room, we sought comments and feedback from our students through surveys, suggestion boards and focus groups, which ensured that the new spaces were designed with the needs of the twenty-first century student firmly in mind.
“We are grateful to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales for providing the capital funding for the refurbishment of the Iris de Freitas study room, and I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our Estates Projects team and Information Services for managing the projects, and local building contractors, LJV Construction Ltd and LEB Construction Ltd, who carried out the work.”
C22 Lecture theatre
Iris De Freitas study room