Aberystwyth University celebrates UK Robotics Week

Aberystwyth University’s Robotics Week takes place from 24 – 29 June 2019 and culminates with the hugely popular Beach Lab at Aberystwyth Bandstand, which features robots of all shapes and sizes.
20 June 2019
Aspiring robot engineers and creators of all ages are invited to take part in Aberystwyth Robotics Week from 24-29 June 2019.
Organised by Aberystwyth University’s Departments of Computer Science and Physics, the six-day programme of events and activities forms part of the UK Robotics Week.
Ceredigion Museum will host a Robot Olympics competition for schools and a craft-your-own robot workshop suitable for all the family.
Aberystwyth Arts Centre Cinema will screen the 2012 American science fiction comedy-drama film Robot & Frank, followed by a discussion on the use of robots in health care.
The week culminates with the highly popular Beach Lab at Aberystwyth Bandstand, with a visit by the Innovation In Motion roadshow exhibition truck offering visitors the ultimate hands-on experience featuring some of their most innovative products.
The Drawn Together Wales project will also be at the Bandstand, encouraging people to draw what they see to create a drawn map of Wales.
Robotics Week co-ordinator Dr Patricia Shaw said: “We are delighted to be hosting a week full of events once again this year, culminating in the hugely popular Beach Lab event at the Bandstand. Robotics and artificial intelligence are becoming an ever bigger part of our daily lives, and robotics week is very much about giving people of all ages the chance to learn and understand how the technology works. And what better way to do this than by playing with the technology, and even building your own robot. Why not come along and see for yourself - we look forward to seeing you there.”
Local school pupils have been invited to take part in a short story competition and submit a 400-word piece on ‘Living in the future with robots’, ‘An adventure with a robot’ or ‘My friend is a robot’.
There are also poster design competitions for school pupils on the themes of ‘An outdoor robot’, ‘A space robot’ or ‘A companion robot’.
Last minute entries can by e-mailed to roboticsweek@aber.ac.uk by Friday 21 June 2019.
The winners will be announced on Friday 28 June, with the prizes awarded at Beach Lab on Saturday 29 June 2019.
Aberystwyth Robotics Week 2019 Programme
- Monday 24 June, Ceredigion Museum
The Robot Olympics
A competition for teams from local primary schools to engineer a robot to take part in a series of robotics challenges. - Tuesday 25 June, 16:00 – 18:00, Ceredigion Museum
Robot Craft
An opportunity to craft your own robot from whatever parts you can find in our scrapheap of paper, pens, and craft supplies. Robots can be displayed as part of the exhibition. Price: £1 per robot.
- Wednesday 26 June, 17:00 – 21:00, Aberystwyth Arts Centre Cinema
From Fiction to Reality
A screening of the 2012 American science fiction comedy-drama film Robot & Frank, followed by a discussion on the use of robots in health care and issues related to robot companions. Tickets available from Aberystwyth Arts Centre - Thursday 27 June, 16:00 – 18:00, Ceredigion Museum
Robot Craft
An opportunity to craft your own robot from whatever parts you can find in our scrapheap of paper, pens, and craft supplies. Robots can be displayed as part of the exhibition. Price: £1 per robot.
- Saturday 29 June, 10:00 – 16:00, Aberystwyth Bandstand
Beach Lab
A day at the beach with robots and humans from the Aberystwyth Robotics Club, along with visits from Innovation In Motion and Drawn Together Project.