Financial incentives for teacher training

Aberystwyth University teaching space
30 January 2019
The Director of the School of Education at Aberystwyth University has welcomed the announcement by the Welsh Government that existing financial incentives for teacher training will be extended into the 2019-20 academic year.
Commenting on the decision by Education Minister Kirsty Williams, Professor Malcolm Thomas said this was an ideal time to take up a career as a teacher.
“If you are a student who is graduating this year or already working and thinking of changing career, there is no better time to consider teaching as a career considering the exciting developments taking place in Wales,” said Professor Thomas.
“Now is the time to train for delivering the innovative new curriculum in Wales. At Aberystwyth University, we will be offering students the opportunity to teach beyond boundaries for an all-through primary and secondary experience”.
From September 2019, the School of Education at Aberystwyth University will be delivering a new Postgraduate Certificate in Education, offering two pathways to Qualified Teaching Status:
- Primary Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with Secondary Enrichment
- Secondary PGCE with Primary Enrichment
The courses available at Aberystwyth for entry in 2019 will be pioneering and will provide students with the correct skill base to teach across both primary and secondary sectors.
Students who choose to pursue the Primary PGCE will also get experience of teaching in a secondary school, while those who choose the Secondary PGCE will get experience of teaching pupils in primary schools.
Professor Thomas added: “The Welsh Government’s announcement of extended financial incentives for 2019-20 entry and the recent clarification of GCSE entry requirements provide enhanced opportunities and support for students to consider training to become a teacher”.
The changes to GCSE entry requirements for PGCE applicants mean that, in order to support Welsh Government’s Literacy and Numeracy framework, students must have achieved a standard equivalent to a Grade B in at least one of the following GCSE examinations:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Welsh Language (First Language)
- Welsh Literature
Where an equivalent to a grade B in either English Literature or Welsh Literature is achieved, a minimum of a grade C must be achieved in the corresponding GCSE examination in English or Welsh (First) Language. A grade B in the GCSE Examination in Mathematics or Mathematics-Numeracy must also be achieved.
The financial incentives available for postgraduates starting Initial Teacher Training in 2019-20 are aimed at attracting the best graduates into teaching priority subjects such as maths, chemistry, physics, computer science and modern foreign languages.
Iaith Athrawon Yfory, the incentive scheme of up to £5,000 to train to teach secondary education in Welsh, will also continue in 2019-20. Iaith Athrawon Yfory can be applied for alongside the incentives for priority subjects, making the maximum incentive up to £25,000.
The funding is for postgraduates starting Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses in the following subjects:
- Up to £20,000 for mathematics, physics, chemistry, Welsh or computer science;
- Up to £15,000 for modern foreign languages;
- £3,000 for graduates with a first-class degree, a Masters or a PhD to teach all other main secondary subjects and primary;
- A £3,000 supplement for graduates with a first-class degree, a Masters or a PhD undertaking primary PGCE studies with subject specialism in English, Welsh, mathematics or science.
The highest value incentives are available to graduates undertaking Initial Teacher Education in the priority areas who hold a first class degree, Masters or PhD, with other incentives for graduates with 2:1 and 2:2 degrees.
For further information about PGCE study at Aberystwyth University, please contact the School of Education on 01970 622103 or