Health committee appointment for Summer University scholar

Jarrod Thomas being presented with his graduation certificate from the Aberystwyth Summer University by Kirsty Williams AM, Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Education, August 2017
12 June 2018
A sixth-form student who completed Aberystwyth’s Summer University in 2017 has been appointed a member of his local Community Health Council (CHC).
Jarrod Thomas is now a full member of the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg CHC and will serve on their Neath Port Talbot committee.
He is currently sitting his A level exams at NPTC Group of Colleges in Neath before taking up his place to study BSc in Biochemistry at Aberystwyth University in September 2018.
Jarrod was one of 85 students who followed a six week Summer University course at Aberystwyth in 2017.
“Summer Uni was key to identifying the line between social and fun-aspects of University and the purpose of being at University - to gain an education,” said Jarrod.
“The opportunity allowed me to meet lots of different people and build friendships, which may last a lifetime, and create many networks. I feel that the programme has prepared me for life-long learning and an early (sneak-peak) experience almost of Higher Education at Aberystwyth University.”
Dr Debra Croft, Manager of the Centre for Widening Participation and Social Exclusion at Aberystwyth said: “Jarrod was obviously a talented student when he spent the summer with us in 2017, on our six week residential programme. Students attend the Aberystwyth Summer University for a wide variety of reasons and we saw Jarrod gain in confidence and belief over the six weeks. In January 2018 , he successfully sat the University’s Scholarship exams and was also awarded a Rashid Domingo Bursary for a Welsh student in the fields of natural sciences. We look forward to welcoming him back to Aberystwyth in the autumn.”
What is Summer University?
Now in its 18th year, Aberystwyth’s Summer University gives students from more deprived areas of Wales an opportunity to experience life on campus.
During their six-week residential stay, students can choose from a range of optional academic modules as well as follow a full programme of sport and social activities.
All places for this year’s Summer University at Aberystwyth have been filled, but you can find out more about the programme on our website and how to apply in future on the website:
About Community Health Councils
Members of the seven Community Health Councils (CHCs) in Wales are appointed by the Welsh Government.
They are responsible for representing independently and without bias the interests of patients and the public in order to influence and improve the way National Health Services are planned and provided in Wales.
CHC members are local volunteers who act as the eyes and ears of patients and the public, visiting hospitals, listening to patient concerns and working with the health service to improve the quality of patient care.