Business Start-Up Week 2018

30 May 2018
If you have a business idea that you would like to turn into reality, or are interested in developing your entrepreneurial skills, then Aberystwyth University’s annual Business Start-up Week may be just what you need.
The week long programme from Monday 4th to Friday 8th June, consists of a range of business skills workshops designed around the key issues which face a start-up business or social enterprise. The workshops are free and open to all.
This year’s Business Start-up Week programme includes sessions on market research, marketing, selling techniques, digital marketing, financial planning and control, selling, intellectual property and legal issues.
The schedule also includes three presentations by role models who have started successful businesses.
The University’s Enterprise Manager, Tony Orme, who has organised Business Start-up Week at the University for over ten years, explains: “If you’ve ever dreamt of starting your own business then Business Start-up Week will be ideal for you.
“Focusing on essential business skills training, the free workshops offer inspiration and first-hand experience from successful entrepreneurs, and tips and practical guidance from business advisors and University staff.
“The format offers flexibility for participants to attend the full programme of sessions, or to identify topics which are of particular interest to them.
“An added benefit of attending this event is the opportunity to meet like-minded entrepreneurs and build a support network to draw on when taking your business idea forward.”
Open to all, including Aberystwyth University staff, students and graduates, and free of charge to participants, the workshops will be held on Aberystwyth University’s Penglais Campus.
Business Start-Up Week is a partnership between Aberystwyth University’s Careers Service and the Welsh Government’s Big Ideas Wales.
For further information and to book a place on one or more workshops, please contact