Student film screens on S4C

Meleri Morgan, whose documentary film Dwy Chwaer a Brawd (Two Sisters and a Brother) will be shown on S4C’s Heno programme at 19:00 on Friday 25 May 2018.
23 May 2018
An award-winning short film by an Aberystwyth University graduate is to be broadcast on S4C.
‘Dwy Chwaer a Brawd’ (Two Sisters and a Brother) was produced by Meleri Morgan in 2017 as part of her final-year project in the Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies.
Featuring the lives in rural Ceredigion of two sisters and a brother in their 80s and 90s, the observational documentary won the Factual category in the 2018 Royal Television Society Wales Student Awards as well as the 'Best International Student Award' at the 2017 Wexford Documentary Film Festival.
It will now be shown for the first time on television when it airs on S4C’s Heno programme at 19:00 on Friday 25 May 2018.
One of the Heno presenters will be in the Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies on Friday evening to speak to students and staff before the documentary is shown.
Meleri, who graduated with a BA in Theatre, Film and Television Studies in July 2017, said: “The film is very close to my heart and reflects a period in my life when my creativity developed greatly. I am hugely indebted to my lecturers Elin Morse, Kate Woodward and Gareth Llŷr Evans for opening my eyes to the wide world of the arts and the importance of searching for the perfect story before starting to film.
“The department at Aberystwyth is exceptional and offers a broad spectrum of experiences from the academic to the creative which in my opinion need to run in parallel so as to create a more complete student who is able to make the most of the experts in all areas of the department. Being able to study through the medium of Welsh has also enriched my experience here in Aberystwyth and I would recommend that anyone who is interested in a degree that is full of artistic variety and experience considers studying here.”
Elin Morse, Lecturer in Media Productions at the Department of Theatre, Film & Television at Aberystwyth University, said: “Dwy Chwaer a Brawd is a wonderfully crafted film which provides an incredibly valuable record of a world that is rapidly disappearing. As a Department, we are extremely proud of Meleri’s success and her talent as a film-maker.”
As well as being shown on S4C, Meleri’s film will also be screened in the Department’s R Gerallt Jones studio on Friday evening to an audience of staff, students and representatives from the local community.
Dr Anwen Jones, Head of the Department of Theatre, Film & Television studies at Aberystwyth University, said: “Our aim as a Department is to equip our students with the technical skills and high production values they need to develop. Meleri has found a unique voice as a filmmaker and we would like to extend our warmest congratulations to her on the standard and success of ‘Dwy Chwaer a Brawd’.
The screening on Friday also coincides with the Department’s annual awards ceremony for final year Film and Television students.
For more information about Aberystwyth’s Theatre, Film and Television courses, please see the Department’s website.