Three Aberystwyth University students appointed ambassadors for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol

09 February 2018
The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol has recruited new student ambassadors for 2018, with three appointed from Aberystwyth University.
All the ambassadors study at a Welsh university and follow part of their degree through the medium of Welsh.
In recruiting ambassadors, the Coleg Cymraeg’s aim is to encourage more prospective students as well as present students to take interest in Welsh medium higher education.
Aberystwyth University’s representatives for 2018 are Dylan James, who is in his second year studying Drama and Theatre Studies with Education, and Cara Mair Rogers and Huw Llywelyn Jones, both of whom are in their first year studying Geography.
Dylan James said: “Being chosen as an ambassador means a lot to me, I can now help and encourage prospective students to receive their higher education through the medium of Welsh.
“I decided at the very start, after I received a place at University, that I would apply for the role of an ambassador. As a prospective student at the time, the Coleg Cymraeg played a big role in helping me choose a course and university, so I wanted to give something back to them.
“We as ambassadors have a very important role to persuade and encourage prospective Welsh medium students to follow parts of their studies through the medium of Welsh at Welsh Universities. I will be attending UCAS fairs, eisteddfodau and writing blogs on my experiences.
“The many experiences available to the Coleg Cymraeg ambassadors are invaluable, and I’m extremely grateful for this opportunity.”
The ambassador’s blogs can be seen on the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol website
For further information on Aberystwyth University’s Branch of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol visit