Kindness lights up Aberystwyth

Aberystwyth Christmas Lights and Lantern Parade
29 November 2017
Over the next few days, in towns and cities across the country, celebrity guests will be flicking the switch to turn on the Christmas lights.
In Aberystwyth, on Saturday 2 December, the task will fall to one child.
Local schools have been invited to nominate children who have shown incredible kindness, either in school or in the community. Of those nominated, one child will be picked at random to help Aberystwyth Town Mayor to switch on the lights.
The annual Lantern Parade will leave St Michael’s Church at 5pm on Saturday 2 December, making its way up Laura Place to Owain Glyndwr Square. The procession is led each Christmas by local children dressed as Mary and Joseph, with followers carrying their wonderful lantern creations.
Entertainment takes place in and around Owain Glyndwr Square, where there are market stalls, Santa’s Grotto, an open-air carol service, and live entertainment.
The event is being organised by Menter Aberystwyth, a regeneration partnership for the town and its surrounding area, which is supported by Aberystwyth University and Aberystwyth Town Council.
The evening before the Christmas lights event, the University-based Aberystwyth Robotics Club, will be holding a Christmas Card Hack. Taking place from 4pm-6pm on Friday 1 December in the Old College, the workshop is suitable for all children from 5 years and older who will design and build an electronic Christmas card using LED lights and batteries. The cost for the materials will be £1 and there is no need to book a place in advance.