Aberystwyth University welcomes back former student and Lithuania’s youngest MP

Virginijus Sinkevičius graduated from the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University in 2012 before going on to study for an MA degree at Maastrcht University.
29 September 2017
The youngest member of the Lithuanian parliament and a former student at Aberystwyth University returns to his alma matter today to talk about his work.
Virginijus Sinkevičius graduated from the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University in 2012 before going on to study for an MA degree at Maastrcht University.
Virginijus, who was elected a member of the Seimas - the Lithuanian parliament – in October 2016, is a guest of the David David Memorial Institute at the Department of International Politics.
He will be speaking about his work in the Steve Crichter Room at the Department of International Politics on Friday 29 September 2017, between 5:30 and 6:30 pm.
Jan Ruzicka, Lecturer in Security Studies and Director of the David Davies Memorial Institute said: “It is great to be able to welcome Virginijus back to Aberystwyth and we are delighted that he has agreed to share his knowledge and experience our students.
“Needless to say, this is a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn more about what studying at Interpol can do for their future career and employability.
“It will also be a chance to talk about strategic issues faced by the Baltic countries as they cope with Russia's resurgence and threats.”
A member of the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union, Virginijus is chairman of the Economic Committee and vice-chair of his party group which is the largest party group in Seimas.
After completing his studies, Virginijus was awarded a Baltic-American Freedom Foundation scholarship and worked in Washington DC at the Centre for European Policy Analysis.
Virginijus returned to Lithuania in 2014 and worked for the Invest Lithuania as Head of the Regulatory Affairs prior to his election.