Aberystwyth University’s partnership with schools highly commended at sustainability awards

Aberystwyth University staff with the Highly Commended award at the Sustain Wales Awards. L to R: Mary Jacob from the E-Learning Team, Dr Paula Hughes, and Professor Jo Hamilton from the Instititute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences
29 November 2016
A School-University Partnership Initiative run by Aberystwyth University has been highly commended by the leading organisation for sustainable development in Wales.
The Sustainability Network Wales (SusNet) Project, is a School-University partnership which enables sixth form students in Ceredigion to engage with a range of research-led academic modules, delivered by departments across Aberystwyth University. Although diverse in content, each module shares the common theme of sustainability and/or social responsibility. The four year project is funded by Research Councils UK.
The Sustain Wales Awards 2016, organised by Cynnal Cymru–Sustain Wales, celebrate sustainability excellence, innovation and leadership across Wales. Aberystwyth University’s SusNet project was highly commended in the Sustainable FE/HE Institution category at the awards.
This year’s awards ceremony, sponsored by Llyr Gruffydd AM, took place in the Senedd in Cardiff Bay on 17 November to an audience of national and international businesses working to create a more sustainable Wales.
Dr Paula Hughes, Project Co-ordinator of SusNet Wales commented: “We are delighted that the SusNet Wales project has been recognised as contributing towards Aberystwyth University’s commitment to sustainability. In sharing our research in this area with local schools and colleges, we are working together to raise the profile of sustainability across subject areas and make Wales a more sustainable nation.”
Mari Arthur, Director of Cynnal Cymru said: “The Sustain Wales Awards provide the perfect opportunity to congratulate organisations on their achievements each year in making Wales a more sustainable nation. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all our sponsors.”