World Food for Thought

06 October 2016
As part of World Food Day 2016 Postgraduate students from Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), have organised a series of student-led events to highlight and promote the work done at Aberystwyth University in vital areas such as climate change, food and water security and food production.
World Food Day is an annual global event celebrating the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and aims to explore our commitment to the eradication of global hunger and the different ways in which this can be achieved.
The programme of events begins with a series of workshops for 15-18-year-old school pupils. Commencing next week, the workshops will take place over a 4-week period and are being attended by students from Penglais Comprehensive School, Aberystwyth. The theme of these sessions will be ‘Sustainable Development Goals’, with students being set the task of working in groups to develop a ‘sustainable food security strategy’ for a number of designated countries/regions. The series will culminate in students presenting, discussing, and debating their chosen strategies with their peers.
On Sunday 16th October 11am-3pm, members of the public are invited to attend an open drop-in session in The Old College, Aberystwyth which will feature poster displays, round-table discussion, lightning talks and light refreshments. Discussion will be themed around the key issues of food security, food sustainability and health.
The global message for World Food Day 2016 is “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.” Food for thought indeed.
If you are interested in attending or contributing to these events and would like further information, see our Facebook event page or contact Chris Byrne or Rebecca Entwistle