Life after Brexit – what happens next?

Old College, Aberystwyth
21 September 2016
How will Brexit affect people in Ceredigion? What are the implications for Wales? And what does it mean for the UK on the wider global stage?
These are just some of the questions which will be discussed in a series of public roundtable events organised by Aberystwyth University’s Department of International Politics.
Entitled ‘Britain, Europe and the World: What Next?’, the first event on Thursday 29 September will facilitate an open discussion across all sectors of the community on the political, cultural and economic dimensions of a post-Brexit UK.
One of the speakers will be Dr Alistair Shepherd, an EU and Europe expert in International Politics at the University who believes that such discussions are crucial.
“Since the referendum in June there has been such a lack of clarity about what happens next that we need to consider in detail the short, medium and longer term ramifications of Brexit. We are not promising any concrete answers but it will be an opportunity for us to understand better how the vote could impact on communities within our locality here in Ceredigion and further afield.
“I would encourage anyone to come along to listen to the panel but also to share their own views as to the impact of Brexit and how we can respond positively.”
This will be the first on a series of post-Brexit discussions on the theme of ‘Negotiating Political Communities’ as Professor Richard Beardsworth, Head of the International Politics Department explains.
“While the EU referendum vote has left the country in a slight quandary as to what happens next, it has also raised the question of negotiation and how to do that effectively on various levels be that locally, national or internationally,” said Professor Beardsworth.
“Our aim with these events is to tap into some of those issues and consider how we can respond to communities’ needs and what resources are required. We look forward to representing and hearing a range of views as we tackle an increasingly important subject.”
Held at the Old College, Aberystwyth on Thursday 29 September at 6pm, this free event is open to the public and will be chaired by Professor Milja Kurki, Director of Research and Deputy Head of Department at Aberystwyth University’s International Politics Department.
The full panel will include Professor Richard Youngs, EU foreign policy expert, Carnegie Europe and Professor of International Relations at the University of Warwick; Dr Angharad Closs Stephens, Political and Cultural Geographies expert, University of Swansea; and Professor Andrew Linklater, Dr Alistair Shepherd, Dr Jenny Mathers and Professor Richard Beardsworth from Aberystwyth University’s International Politics Department.