Aber’s Clear Guide to Clearing

Aberystwyth University staff at a training session ahead of clearing.
12 August 2016
Aberystwyth University has produced a short animated film to help A level students who may find themselves without a university place on results day Thursday 18 August 2016.
The two-minute guide to clearing explains the steps that they need to take if they haven’t had the grades they needed – and the clear message is not to panic.
Last year, around 64,000 individuals across the UK found their place in university through the clearing process - with Aberystwyth University taking more than 1,000 calls from students looking for guidance.
Aberystwyth University’s Schools and Colleges Liaison Manager, David Moyle, says there is no longer a stigma attached to seeking a place at university through clearing.
“We appreciate that applying to university through clearing can be a stressful time for some students but the clearing team at Aberystwyth University are here to make the process as easy possible by offering applicants a step by step guide to ensure they find the right course,” said Mr Moyle, who has been holding a series of training sessions for staff in the lead-up to 18 August.
“It’s incredibly rewarding to be able to provide advice and guidance to students. On A level results day, we’re in by 7 o’clock in the morning and although it’s a busy day for all involved, there’s a great atmosphere amongst the whole team. We’re all there for one purpose: to ensure students get the best advice to make an informed decision. It can be an emotional day but it’s a brilliant feeling to hear the delight in a student’s voice when we are able to offer them a place to study with us.
“There are a lot of people involved in the University’s clearing operation to ensure we offer the best service to applicants and all of the necessary logistics are in in place. We’re now looking forward to receiving calls from students interested in applying to courses at Aberystwyth University, which has just been ranked one of the ten best higher education institutes in the UK and the best in Wales for student satisfaction.”
As well as receiving calls on a special 0800 hotline, staff at Aberystwyth University can also be contacted via email, Facebook, Twitter and live web chat.
Ben Grantham contacted the clearing team at Aberystwyth University back in August 2013 and was offered a place to study Media and Communication Studies in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies.
He graduated in July 2016 with a First Class Honours Degree and has some advice for this year’s students going through clearing.
“With a process such as clearing it's important to act fast. Hundreds of students will be in a position where they wish to apply for a course immediately following their results, and places are often limited and can fill up fast. I, like many others, was on the phone to universities within the hour of receiving my exam results,” says Ben.
“As most universities tend to do, Aberystwyth University were running open days all through summer, and so I still had a chance to visit the department, meet some of the staff and see the facilities in the usual fashion as if I had applied months before. It was a great opportunity to really familiarise myself with the people and environment I'd be spending those 3 years around.”
Ben used the clearing process because his results were better than he expected – a process known as adjustment. But whatever the nature of the query, Aberystwyth’s clearing staff will be on hand to help not only on results day 18 August but throughout the month. The all-important number to contact is 0800 121 40 80.