Assistant Headteacher Karina Shaw presented with Honorary Bachelor Degree

Pro-Chancellor Miss Gwerfyl Pierce Jones with Karina Shaw
12 July 2016
Karina Shaw, an Assistant Headteacher at Ysgol Penglais, Aberystwyth, has been presented with an Honorary Bachelor of Arts Degree by Aberystwyth University.
Karina has a long history with Ysgol Penglais having taught there for the last 16 years. Prior to this she was also a pupil at the school.
She is a passionate about social inclusion not only within the school environment but also in the wider community. She is a Director of the Penparcau Community Forum and this role has given her the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of community projects.
She is also very enthusiastic about preserving local history and heritage for future generations. She is a founder member and current Chairwoman of the Penparcau History and Heritage group.
In her spare time Karina volunteers within the community on a variety of projects and she volunteers weekly at the Aberystwyth Tŷ Hafan charity shop.
Karina Shaw was presented with her Honorary Bachelor Degree on Tuesday 12 July by Mr Prysor Mason Davies from the School of Education and Lifelong Learning.
Presentation of Karina Shaw:
Dirprwy Ganghellor, Is-Ganghellor, darpar raddedigion, gyfeillion. Pleser o’r mwyaf yw cyflwyno Karina Shaw am radd Baglor er Anrhydedd yn y Celfyddydau Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
Pro Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, prospective graduates and supporters. It is an honour and a privilege to present Karina Shaw for an Honorary Bachelor Degree of Arts of Aberystwyth University.
As a representative of the School of Education and Lifelong Learning, it is seems fitting that we have this opportunity to celebrate the contribution of a person who has, and does contribute significantly to education in the local area.
Fel cynhrychiolydd o’r Ysgol Addysg a Dysgu Gydol Oes yma ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth, mae’n hyfryd cael cydnabod cyflawniadau rhywun sydd, fel ni yn yr Adran, yn gweld Addysg fel rhywbeth sydd a’r gallu i drawsnewid bywydau a gobeithion pobl ac sydd yn hawl i bob person heb ystyriaeth o’u cefndir, eu cyllid, eu hoed na’u safle.
It is very pleasing to introduce someone who sees education as something far broader than the school walls and as something which is a right and a necessity for all members of society, regardless of their background, financial status, age or position. This is an attitude that we would passionately subscribe to in the School of Education.
Karina Shaw is an Assistant Headteacher at Ysgol Penglais, Aberystwyth and teaches in the Widening Participation Unit. She has a long history with Ysgol Penglais having taught there for the last 16 years and prior to this she was also a pupil at the school (I am sure that she deserves an honourary degree just for being a Secondary School teacher for 16 years). This shows that she is therefore passionate about social inclusion within the school environment, enabling students to achieve and succeed regardless of background and I am sure you would agree that this is a vital and essential role.
Mae Karina yn amlwg felly yn berson sydd yn rhoi gwerth ar cynhwysiant cymdeithasol o fewn muriau’r ysgol, gan roi cyfleoedd unigryw ac arbennig i nifer fawr o ddisgyblion, i’w galluogi i lwyddo a chyflawni. Ond nid gwerthoedd o fewn ei gwaith yn unig yw’r rhain, ond gwerthoedd sydd yn cylchynnu ei bywyd ehangach hefyd, lle mae’n cyfrannu yn helaeth i addysg a datblygiad y gymuned leol yn arbennig ym maes hanes a threftadaeth.
Her passion for education is not limited by the classroom walls or her employment – it extends to the wider community. As a resident of Penparcau, she is a Director of the Penparcau Community Forum and this role has given her the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of community projects. She is passionate about preserving local history and heritage for future generations and ensuring that the community develops and is provided with education and knowledge of the past. She is a founder member and current Chairwoman of the Penparcau History and Heritage group which is open to anyone who wishes to share memories, stories and photographs of the village and involves a number of heritage trips and events. The History & Heritage Group now has in excess of 500 Facebook Members, with regular posts from a wide range of people, evidencing the role it plays in widening participation in education and heritage across the region. In her spare time (how an assistant head who does so much in the community has any spare time baffles me completely!) In her spare time she volunteers within the community on a variety of projects and she volunteers weekly at the Aberystwyth Ty Hafan charity shop.
Rwy’n siwr y cytunwch gyda mi fod gwaith Karina Shaw yn torri’r ffiniau i addysg a datblygiad yn ysbrydoliaeth i ni i gyd.
I am sure that Karina Shaw’s work in breaking down the barriers to education and development in this local area is an inspiration to us and an example for us to aspire to.
Dirprwy Ganghellor, mae’n bleser gen i gyflwyno Karina Shaw i chi am radd Baglor er Anrhydedd yn y Celfyddydau.
Pro Chancellor, it is my absolute pleasure to present Karina Shaw to you for an Honorary Bachelor Degree of Arts.
Aberystwyth University Honours 2016
Twelve individuals are being honoured by Aberystwyth University during the 2016 graduation ceremonies, which take place at the University’s Arts Centre from Tuesday 12 July until Friday 15 July.
Eight Honorary Fellowships will be presented to individuals who have, or have had a connection with Aberystwyth or Wales, and who have made an outstanding contribution to their chosen field.
One Honorary Doctorate degree will be presented. These are presented to individuals who have been outstandingly successful in their field, or who have a long record of renowned research and publication.
Three Honorary Bachelor degrees will be presented. These are presented to individuals who are members of Aberystwyth University staff without an entry-level degree in recognition of long-service, contribution and dedication to the Institution; and members of the local community who have made a significant contribution to Aberystwyth and the area.
Also being honoured are:
Honorary Fellowships:
Dr Catherine Bishop, triple Olympian, international conflict diplomat and experienced speaker and facilitator
Natasha Devon MBE, writer, campaigner, television pundit, and founder of the Self Esteem Team
Professor Julian Dowdeswell, Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute and a Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Cambridge
Charmian Gooch, anti-corruption campaigner and co-founder and director of Global Witness
Ruth Lambert MBE, former Chairman of the Machynlleth Tabernacle Trust, who organised the Machynlleth Festival and the exhibition programme of MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) Machynlleth for almost thirty years
Dr Mitch Robinson, international law specialist for the US Department of Defense specialising in human rights, and an alumnus of the University
Sir Evans Paul Silk KCB, President of the Study of Parliament Group; formerly clerk in the British House of Commons, Clerk to the National Assembly for Wales and chair of the Commission on Devolution in Wales
A J S “Bill” Williams MBE (1920-2016), RAF pilot and Aberystwyth University lecturer named in 2014 as one of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s 175 Faces of Chemistry.
Honorary Doctorate Degree:
Professor Ken Walters, Distinguished Research Professor in the University’s Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, founding fellow of the Learned Society of Wales and a Fellow of the Royal Society
Honorary Bachelor Degrees:
Aled Haydn Jones, Welsh radio editor, presenter and former radio producer with BBC Radio 1, and presenter with S4C.
Stefan Osgood (1994-2016), who achieved and contributed a great deal while studying at Aberystwyth, including through his involvement in sports, and as an exceptional contributor to Raising and Giving at the University.
Pro-Chancellor Miss Gwerfyl Pierce Jones with Karina Shaw
Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor John Grattan, Karina Shaw, and Pro-Chancellor Miss Gwerfyl Pierce Jones