Aberystwyth University at the Eisteddfod on Monday

03 August 2015
The Launch of the ‘Mentro Meifod’ App, ‘Can you believe your eyes?’ and ‘Hinterland: Producing, Creativity, Opportunities’ are the three events held at the Aberystwyth University stall today.
Launch of the “Mentro Meifod” App
The first presentation is at 1.00pm with the launch of the “Mentro Meifod” App, as Eiri Angharad from the Department of Welsh gives a talk on walking tours in the region of this year’s Eisteddfod.
As part of a programme of research at Aberystwyth, mainly funded by KESS (Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships), Eiri from Pontypridd has collaborated with Geosho, a company from Caernarfon, to develop an app which is to be published at the Eisteddfod. The app – which is available free of charge and in both Welsh and English – leads walkers on a tour of the area and provides interesting pieces of information on local history and literature.
Eiri said: “I hope the app will enable visitors to familiarise themselves with the local area of this year’s Eisteddfod. In the presentation on Monday I will be discussing what motivated me to create the app, and the experience of researching and producing the app with the innovative company Geosho.”
Can you believe your eyes?
At 2.00pm, Dr Rachel Rahman will be asking whether what we see with our eyes is actually real, in the session “Can you believe your eyes?”:
“How much can we trust what we see? Our brain needs to process a vast quantity of information in a very short period of time. How does our brain tell us what we can see and can it be deceived?! This presentation will investigate the role of cognitive psychology in investigating the visual perception system and what we can learn from illusions and visual phenomenon.”
Hinterland / Y Gwyll: Producing, Creativity, Opportunities
The “Hinterland” production team and staff members from the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies will discuss the successful detective series, based in Aberystwyth, at 3.30pm. Amongst those participating in the discussion will be:
- Gethin Scourfield – Series Producer and alumnus of Aberystwyth University Department of History.
- Gwawr Martha Lloyd – S4C Drama Editor and Senior Producer of the series, who previously studied an MA in Television Studies at the University.
- Ceri Perkins – Production Coordinator and previously an MA Scriptwriting student at Aberystwyth.
- Dr Kate Woodward – Lecturer in Aberystwyth University’s Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies.
- Alaw Gwyn Rossington – MA Practical Creative Media student who has worked on the series.
The Crowning Ceremony
To close Monday, a warm welcome is extended to all to view the Crowning ceremony on the large screen over a cup of tea or coffee.
For a full programme of events at the Aberystwyth University stall at the Montgomeryshire and the Marches National Eisteddfod 2015 click here.