Aberystwyth University at the National Eisteddfod 2015

The pink pavilion at the Eisteddfod maes
27 July 2015
Aberystwyth University will host a wide range of academic and cultural events at their stall at the Montgomeryshire and the Marches 2015 National Eisteddfod, from the 1st to the 8th of August.
Monday 3 August
Launch of the “Mentro Meifod” App
Eiri Angharad, a research student from the Department of Welsh, will give a talk on walking tours in the region of the Eisteddfod during the launch of the “Mentro Meifod” App.
Can you believe your eyes
Dr Rachel Rahman from the Psychology Department will ask if what we see is reality?
Hinterland / Y Gwyll: Producing, Creativity, Opportunities
A discussion on the successful S4C detective series Hinterland / Y Gwyll with members of the production team, staff and alumni from the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies.
The day will close at 4.30pm, when there will be an opportunity for everyone to join us at the stall to watch the Crowning ceremony over a cup of tea or coffee.
Tuesday 4 August
The artist Ruth Jên from the School of Art will discuss her latest work with the broadcaster Dei Tomos.
University Challenge
An opportunity to watch students challenge the University Staff in a quiz under the supervision of Dr Russell Davies.
Wednesday 5 August
Going back to the Victorian Future
Professor Iwan Morus introduces us to the scientific and technological wonders of the nineteenth century, accompanied by the Victorian scientist Professor Marmaduke Salt.
2pm - 4pm
Annual Aberystwyth University alumni reunion
An opportunity for Aberystwyth University alumni to gather in a reunion at the University stall, to meet old friends and reminisce.
Thursday 6th August
Translation Tournament
What is the best translation into Welsh? And why? What is the relationship between it and the original and its translation in other languages? This will be our panel of ardent advocates’ hot topic. But who and which translation will win the coveted prize and the title of ‘Ceiliog y Cyfieithiadau’? Supported by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
Language Planning and Policy on the latest research and teaching plans at Aberystwyth
A discussion with Dr Huw Lewis, Dr Elin Royles and Dr Catrin Edwards from the Department of International Politics
Encounter in Patagonia: the Welsh and the Indigenous, 1865-1885
Dr Lucy Taylor from the Department of International Politics discusses Patagonia’s international context.
Friday 7 August
Annual E G Bowen Lecture
Changing Language Behaviour
An introduction into Osian Elias’ doctoral research on changing behaviour and language planning, focusing on young people’s language behaviour and the ‘Supporting Language Practises of Young People’ Project.
To be kept apart? Music and Politics
A light session by staff and alumni of the Department of International Politics
UMCA Midsummer Reunion
If you are a current student or a prospective student of Aberystwyth University, then pop by the stand to meet friends on the Eisteddfod field! Music provided by Ysgol Sul.
Chairing Ceremony
An opportunity to have a cuppa whilst watching the Chairing Ceremony on our big screen.
Science and Technology Pavilion
Aberystwyth University are also sponsoring The Science and Technology Pavilion which aims to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics across Wales. The building houses a range of exhibitions which demonstrate the latest scientific developments and is the site of a daily science lecture. Please call by to have a go at various activities and find out more about our internationally recognised research work.