Aberystwyth University weather update
Aberystwyth prom
31 January 2014
Following advice from Natural Resources Wales and Ceredigion County Council and forecasted high tides and strong winds today (Friday 31 January) and into the weekend, Aberystwyth University is taking precautionary measures to ensure the safety of students living in Seafront Residences.
Approximately 600 students live in residences on the seafront. Around 450 students live in University accommodation and the remainder in the private sector.
The University has informed all students living in University residences on the seafront that these residences will close at 4.00pm today until further notice.
Students who live in the affected area of the seafront are being offered alternative accommodation and meals on the University’s Penglais campus and assistance with travel arrangements, should they wish to travel home or away from Aberystwyth (within the UK) until conditions improve.
Given the significant numbers of students affected and to ensure that all students are treated equitably, all teaching activities today and Monday 3 February have been cancelled.
Students who require urgent support are advised to contact the University’s emergency hotline on 01970 622900.
The latest information is available on the University’s website http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/important-info/notices/ and on the University’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/aberystwyth.university and Twitter feed: www.twitter.com/aberuni
The University is monitoring the situation and working closely with Ceredigion County Council and Natural Resources Wales.
Rebecca Davies, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student and Staff Services, explains: “Our priority is the safety of our students and staff. The forecasted high winds combined with the high tides are likely to make the seafront at Aberystwyth a very hazardous place this weekend and it is paramount for us that everyone living in residences on the sea front have alternative accommodation, and are out of harm’s way.”
I’m confident that our contingency systems are very robust (having only recently had the opportunity to put them to the test and review any further improvements required). We are very grateful to students and staff for their continued support and understanding during these challenging circumstances.”